So you're in a store that you visit infrequently and they ask you if you have a loyalty card. You say "yes, but not with me at the moment". They say that's ok, if you return to the store with the card and this receipt within fourteen days, we'll adjust your account accordingly. Straightforward. You reward loyalty rather than punishing forgetfulness.
But not Boots who ironically are praised for having a generous scheme. You return to their store with your card and your receipt and ask them to adjust your account. They say, we can't do that because your receipt (which clearly states that you would have received x loyalty points if you had presented your card at time of purchase) has not been validated. And by "validated" they mean it has not been reprinted to show that you expressed the intention to return to the store to collect the points.
You validate car-parking, you don't validate loyalty.
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