Ubuntu Lucid will comes with new fresh theme, called 'Light Theme'. Some people said that the Light Theme was the 'imitation' of Mac OS X interface. I don`t agree with that opinion. For me, Ubuntu with GNOME, will always be more simple, easy to use, lightweight and usable. Or in other simple word, Ubuntu with GNOME is better than Mac OS X—of course it`s fully my subjective opinion.
After I`ve tried to install the Ubuntu Lucid packages into my Ubuntu Hardy LTS system, I felt satisfied and really surprised by the Ubuntu`s new theme. Because of one technical system, I still not yet upgrade my whole Ubuntu system into the new Ubuntu, so I just tried to apply the theme.
Although the light theme not fully compatible in the Hardy`s GNOME version, but I can taste some of them, such as Humanity Icon Theme, Radiance Metacity and Ambiance Metacity theme. For the Gtk theme, there is one big technical problem because of the different version of gtk2 engines, and so the Lucid`s gtk2 engines was not work in the Hardy`s gtk2 engines.
I`ve re-packed the light theme so its can be installed into Ubuntu Hardy. The packages are consist of Humanity Icon Theme, Ubuntu Mono, Light Theme, and gnome panel theme.
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