The NoScript Firefox extension provides extra protection for Firefox, Seamonkey and other mozilla-based browsers: this free, open source add-on allowsJavaScript, Java, Flash and other pluginsto be executed only by trusted web sites of your choice (e.g. your online bank).
NoScript also provides the most powerful anti-XSS and anti-Clickjacking protection ever available in a browser.
NoScript's unique whitelist based pre-emptive script blockingapproach prevents exploitation of security vulnerabilities (known and even not known yet!) with no loss of functionality...
You can enable JavaScript, Java and plugin execution for sites you trust with a simple left-click on the NoScript status bar icon(look at the picture), or using the contextual menu, for easier operation in popup statusbar-less windows.
Watch the "Block scripts in Firefox" video by cnet.
Install NOSCRIPT from here
Features -
How NoScript delivers usable security
Site matching
Beyond JavaScript: blocking Java, Silverlight, Flash and other embedded content
Untrusted blacklist
Anti-XSS protection
Supported Languages
NOScript CHANGE LOG version 2.4.9
[+] new feature, [x] bug fix, [-] removed feature, [=] repackaging or cosmetic changes
+ Added ability to replace obsolete default whitelist entries
x Replaced browserid.org with persona.org in the default whitelist
x Improved anti-DOS protection
x Better usability with some HTML5 Youtube videos (thanks Mike Perry for reporting)
x Reverted to the ctrl+shift+S main keyboard shortcut
x [XSS] Fixed XML preprocessing breaking detection of some E4X constructs (thanks Pepe Vila for reporting)
+ [XSS] Protection against error-based SQLI with a XSS payload (thanks Ashar Javed for reporting, original disclosure by Keith Makan)
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