Sitecheck can also spot some common causes of PCI compliance failure such as insecure content on secure pages, SQL injection/cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities, insecure encryption ciphers and open mail relays. Sources of information leakage such as email addresses and IP addresses in the headers or the page will be logged. Includes a separate module called domaincheck which checks the domain expiry date, SSL certificate expiry date and SPF records.
- Authentication by HTTP form submission
- Suspend and resume
- Download and save a site
- Highly configurable with support for multiple profiles
- Modular processing of responses
- HTML or plain text logging
- Tests inbound links from search engines and outbound links
- Markup validation (W3C)
- Accessibility (WCAG)
- SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS) detection
- Spelling check with custom dictionary and readability score
- Checks for duplicate content (for SEO purposes)
- Checks domain expiry date
- Checks SSL certificate expiry date
- Checks for insecure content referenced from secure pages
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