Written By Unknown on Friday, 30 April 2010 | 15:36
jDownloader OSX
Vocรช digita o endereรงo adequado para baixar uma cรณpia de algum arquivo.
O jDownloader simplifica e otimiza o processo.
O aplicativo cuida de todos os detalhes e verifica se o processo termina bem.
Entre nas opรงรตes do jDownloader para acelerar o download, limitar a largura da banda, guardar links...
Na lista estรฃo Megaupload, Netload, RapidShare, Filer, Filefactory e YouTube.
Se baixar arquivos desses sites รฉ a sua praia, caia de cabeรงa no jDownloader e economize tempo e esforรงo.
The Problem With Marketing.
Written By Unknown on Thursday, 29 April 2010 | 02:37
No the real problem with marketing is that it all too often follows the creation of the product/service and thereby is reduced to promotion. It is bad promotion that is the bane of most anti-marketers. Not marketing itself.
All those conference ideas about branded utility, shared interests and authenticity are good ones, but they'd be much better if they weren't add-ons.
Obsessive Sharing Disorder.
Written By Unknown on Wednesday, 21 April 2010 | 07:31

I haven't yet asked Iain if he was being serious or sarcastic. Chances are he was being both and I agree with him. We all know we are social, we all know we don't want to be interrupted, we all know that marketing needs to be shareable. We all know all this and agencies, books and careers have inevitably sprung up to fill the potentially lucrative vacuum.
But what is all too often forgotten is that it's optional not obligatory. We all want the opportunity to share, but most of the time most of the people aren't actually going to do it. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a 1:9:90 rule to be uncovered here. The massive are still passive.
We're becoming obsessed with the sharing when we should be obsessed with all our customers, especially the introverted majority. And in so doing, we run the risk of ending up with this sort of thing.
Market Your Technology.
Written By Unknown on Tuesday, 13 April 2010 | 14:34
Two years ago, I saw these shoes in the exhibition section of a Nike pop-up store in London. The material from which they were made is now appearing in commercially available sneakers.
That exhibition made me realise that Nike is as much a technology company as a marketing company. Its a profile they've emphasised through initiatives like NikeID where technology is used to assist and enliven training regimes.
Next week, it will be taking a stage further here with Nike Grid when people will claim their own postcode/zipcode by running between specially adapted public telephone boxes. GPS iterations utilising apps like Foursquare are surely not far behind.
Running, their original raison d'etre, remains at the heart of all this, but layered upon it is the technology - another level of interestingness that draws you further into the DNA of the business. Making marketing interesting (while reminding them of the unique expertise that creates the products) engages the user intellectually, emotionally and socially. Every business could and should be doing it.
Written By Unknown on Sunday, 11 April 2010 | 12:22
Se vocรช quer viver a adrenalina de causa uma corrida de carros, nรฃo pode deixar passar a oportunidade de baixar este simulador.
As diferentes cรขmeras que oferece o jogo no momento da direรงรฃo podem chegar a ser semelhantes, junto com seu bom รกudio, ร realidade de uma verdadeira corrida automobilรญstica.
Praticamente todos os aspectos do jogo podem ser alterados por meio de arquivos de texto, o jogo utiliza como referรชncia, por exemplo, documentos tรฉcnicos em engenharia de automรณveis publicados pelo SAE - sociedade de engenheiros automotivos, em portuguรชs - e apresenta os efeitos grรกficos tradicionais como fumaรงa, marcas na pista, faรญscas, etc.
E video: link:
Paradise Paintball Plugin
Written By Unknown on Saturday, 10 April 2010 | 16:45
O Paradise Paintball Plugin รฉ um pequeno programa que deve ser instalado em seu Mac para jogar o Paradise Paintball, um jogo em que vocรช caminha por belos cenรกrios 3D e precisa derrotar seus adversรกrios, marcando-o com a cor do seu time.
Hรก dois modos de jogo: online e treinamento. No primeiro, vocรช joga online com dezenas de outros jogadores do mundo inteiro em busca do melhor tiro.
Os campeonatos sรฃo acirrados e a adrenalina vai ร s alturas!
Caso vocรช nรฃo se saia tรฃo bem na briga de tinta, vale a pena gastar algumas horas no modo de treinamento, em que vocรช treina sozinho e precisa acertar alvos que surgem aleatรณriamente no cenรกrio.
Se vocรช acredita que animaรงรตes grรกficas รฉ trabalho para profissionais precisa ter o Stykz no seu computador.
O programa deixa o processo tรฃo simples como desenhar em folhas de papel e passar as pรกginas com rapidez para ver o movimento.
Em Stykz vocรช รฉ o diretor! Faรงa seu boneco correr, ou ter uma briga com outro, por exemplo.
Quem sabe vocรช nรฃo prefira que ele dance? Deixe a imaginaรงรฃo fluir ao criar sua animaรงรฃo.
Realizado toda a montagem das aรงรตes dos bonecos palitos, vocรช poderรก salvar o filme em formato MOV ou GIF.
Todo o filme รฉ feito por frames, deixando o trabalho final muito bem feito.
Download: LINK
Refresh And Renew.
Written By Unknown on Friday, 9 April 2010 | 03:33

Seth Godin posted about Levy Flights the other day. This was not a reference to an obscure dancehall performer, but a discussion of the similarly obscure statistical distribution pattern that I first came across in Kristakis and Fowler's Connected.
A Levy flight basically illustrates that behaviour focuses in a small area for a period of time and then when that area becomes uninteresting, there is a flight/leap to another area quite some distance away where another period of grazing follows.
Seth's post sounded a little fatalistic to me, but Connected highlighted two interesting features of actual network behaviour. Firstly, when people make the larger leaps, the size of that average leapp is much greater than was expected under a random walk; but, secondly, those transitions actually occur more slowly than a Levy flight would predict.
That seems to me to suggest that customer ennui is not inevitable and that there might be more hope for retaining customers if you both make their experience continually excellent and refresh it regularly.
Talk The Talk: Use Conversational Language.
Written By Unknown on Wednesday, 7 April 2010 | 01:07

Sainsbury's have a Twitter account. They presumably think it will help them engage in conversations with their customers on a human level. But do their customers really want to talk to "colleagues"?
When seeking to engage the external (aka real) world, don't use the alienating internal language of the corporation. Just say "talk to us".
Membuat Master Linux Live Hardisk
Written By Unknown on Tuesday, 6 April 2010 | 01:10

Teknologi LiveCD merupakan gagasan paling brilian dari sebuah sistem operasi, yang dalam hal ini, Linux sebagai pelopor teknologi tersebut. Dengan teknologi LiveCD, user dibuat mudah dengan interface instalasi desktop yang mudah dipahami. Dan secara khusus, distribusi Linux yang sangat akrab dengan teknologi LiveCD Install adalah distribusi Ubuntu Linux. Paket instalasi dalam sekeping CD: praktis, simpel, 100 % fungsional dan tentu saja efisien.
Selama ini, kita selalu bisa dengan mudah mem-burn iso Ubuntu Linux dalam sekeping CD, namun ternyata, untuk versi-versi terbaru Ubuntu, kita akan mengalami kesulitan mem-burn iso dalam sekeping CD, karena ukuran image yang telah membengkak. Di forum-forum Ubuntu, solusi yang paling sering diberikan adalah DVD burning, atau Live USB Flash. Cara-cara itu cukup mudah, tapi ternyata ada satu lagi cara yang lebih simpel. Bagaimana itu?
Hardisk LiveCD
Ide ini sepenuhnya terpikirkan secara tak sengaja oleh saya. Waktu itu sistem Linux saya mengalami sedikit crash karena proses instalasi software baru yang gagal, dan jadinya saya perlu menginstalasi ulang sistem Linux saya. Kebetulan, waktu itu saya kehabisan LiveCD, dan juga tak memiliki USB Flash yang berukuran besar. Lalu, secara serta-merta, ide Hardisk LiveCD-pun muncul, dan ternyata berhasil ! Eureka! Bagaimanakah caranya? Mari kita simak.
Sistem Yang Dibutuhkan
- Sebuah Partisi FAT/FAT32 berukuran <=1 GB. Jika kita memiliki sistem windows dan memiliki partisi D, E, F dst, kita bisa menggunakan salahsatu partisi tersebut.
- Unetbootin Linux. Aplikasi ini adalah aplikasi paling terkenal untuk membuat LiveUSB secara mudah. Kita bisa mendapatkannya di sini.
- p7zip-full dan mtools. Kedua paket tersebut merupakan dependensi utama agar uNetbootin Linux bisa berjalan sempurna. Kita bisa mendapatkan paket p7zip-full di sini, dan paket mtools di sini. Jika kita terkoneksi ke repositori, kita bisa juga menginstalasinya dari repositori dengan mudah : $ sudo apt-get install p7zip-full mtools
- Sebuah sembarang LiveCD, kita bisa memakai LiveCD versi lama dari linux sembarang, atau sebuah DVD instalasi lama kita, yang pasti sebuah CD/DVD Linux yang berisi loader.
Setelah semua persyaratan itu terpenuhi, langkah berikutnya adalah sebagai berikut :
- Jalankan uNetbootin Linux. Karena aplikasi ini dipaketkan sebagai static linked package, maka kita bisa menjalankannya dengan mudah dengan cara melakukan double click.
- Pada window sebelah kiri bawah, pilihlan opsi 'Show All Drives', dan pilih salahsatu partisi FAT/FAT32 milik kita, semisal /dev/sda3; /dev/sda4; dst.
- Pilih lokasi iso LiveCD kita, dan OK, tunggu hingga proses selesai. Kemudian reboot komputer.
- Masukan sembarang LiveCD/DVD Linux dan boot CD/DVD tersebut.
- Kemudian pilihlah opsi 'Boot from the 2nd harddisk'.
- Kita akan dibawa ke loader uNetbootin, lalu pilihlah opsi 'Try Ubuntu without any change..'
- Kita akan masuk ke sesi Live, dan lakukan proses instalasi seperti biasa.
- Setelah proses instalasi selesai, reboot sistem, dan hapus semua file sistem Live Hardisk, jika tidak kita butuhkan lagi. File dan folder dari sistem Live tersebut jumlahnya ada 21 buah, dengan sebuah hidden file. Akses partisi FAT tempat kita menginstalasi sistem Live, dan munculkan hidden file dengan tombol Ctrl+H. File-file sistem Live tersebut adalah: casper, dists, install, isolinux, pics, pool, pressed, .disk, autorun.inf, ldlinux.sys, dst. Kita tentu bisa membedakan dengan mudah folder-folder dokumen milik kita dengan folder-folder Live sistem Linux yang telah kita pakai.
Begitulah sekilas coba-coba saya membuat sebuah sistem Linux LiveHardisk. Opsi ini bisa juga diimplementasikan untuk membuat sebuah master instalasi Linux, sehingga sewaktu-waktu kita ingin melakukan instalasi ulang sistem, kita bisa memakainya dengan mudah. Atau, yang pasti, cara ini sangat praktis dilakukan bila kita ingin mencoba sistem baru, tetapi kebetulan tidak memiliki sebuah DVD blank untuk mem-burn iso linux.
Selamat mencoba!
Four Years Blogging And All I've Got To Show For It Is?
Written By Unknown on Thursday, 1 April 2010 | 13:46

Today this blog is four years old. This is the thousandth plus post which will be read by a select group of people. Blogging is supposedly not as popular as it once was. The huge majority of them lie inert. Some, mercifully so. But not this one. So, what have I got out of four years of blogging?
1) Chinese comment spam, ridiculous PR approaches and offers of irrelevant guest blogs from total strangers.
2) A sense of guilt at still not having made this blog more visually pleasing and more easily navigable.
3) A nagging doubt that I have nothing else left to say.
4) An awareness that you need to keep repeating yourself because ideas actually spread quite slowly and orthodoxy takes a long time to overturn.
5) A constantly renewing knowledge of bands that only five other people have yet heard of thanks to a reader who has a passion for such things
6) A stalker - albeit a very nice one.
7) A true appreciation of our increased connectivity - courtesy of the night when one of my posts went global and I watched as readership swept across the globe to the extent that more people were on my blog than usually visited in a month.
8) A whole new international social circle - such that I can look at various meaningless A lists and the wired top 100 and realise that a number of these people are now my friends, as are authors I previously admired from afar but now am able to meet in person.
9) A realisation that rankings don't really matter. I'm no longer in the Technorati top 10000 nor the top 50 marketing blogs in the world and I still get noticed by new people and read by others on a weekly basis. Famous and useful for fifteen people is indeed the rule to live by. But remember, the fifteen are always changing.
10) A deep gratitude to all the readers, commenters and bloggers who have made the past four years a lot more interesting.