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Vendor Relationship Marketing.

Written By Unknown on Friday, 29 February 2008 | 08:08

It's always good to listen to people from other disciplines and a few days ago I caught up with Doc Searls, Adriana and various other programmers and marketers who share an interest in VRM (vendor relationship management). Some interesting themes emerged.

1) The internet has improved the supply side of the economy, but has done less for the demand side. The purpose of VRM is to provide the customer with ways of bearing some of the relationship burden which has in the past been borne entirely by the vendor. In so doing, VRM intends to improve markets by equipping customers to lead as well as to follow

2) For all the investment in data collection, the current purchase model destroys a lot of data - a business knows a purchase has been made and probably by whom, but all the thinking that prefaces that (the decision process, the preferences met and the interaction) is lost.

3) If individuals owned and controlled their own data, you'd facilitate real customer centricity unlike the faux customer centricity of CRM. Truly putting the customer at the centre would allow deeper relationships to develop in which richer, permission-based data is shared and the expensive guesswork of marketing departments can be eliminated.

So, what do I think are the implications for marketing?

a) Outward-looking marketing will increasingly be centred on the provision of genuine information and interaction so that the pro-active customer will more likely seek to buy something you provide.

b) Inward-looking marketing will involve encouraging product development to move towards the provision of modular, flexible, customisable products and services.

c) In order to foster repeat purchases and loyalty, marketing's primary task will be to ensure that the customer experience is always great.

d) It's not about selling stuff. It's all about helping people buy stuff.

But I think I've said that all before.

Customer Experience Is Not The New Marketing.

Written By Unknown on Thursday, 28 February 2008 | 04:16

It's nearly a decade since Pine and Gilmore wrote about the Experience Economy. They saw services becoming commoditised and argued that differentiation could be achieved by turning retail into entertainment.

I recall that Banana Republic were one of their examples, but wonder if anyone still (or indeed ever) thought about shopping there as an experience. After all, do you want to experience retail or do you just want to buy something you like and to do so quickly?

Pine and Gilmore were right about the importance of the experience, but it's not about the spectacular. It's maybe even more about the small decidely unflashy things - from clear, engaging instructions through every aspect of interaction with the company before, during and after purchase.

People are starting to talk of customer experience as being the new marketing, but it's not. There's nothing new about it. It's not the latest thing. It has always been at the heart of marketing even if many people, including marketing directors didn't see it as such.

Cara Menampilkan Status Off/Online Yahoo Messenger

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, 27 February 2008 | 23:22

Dalam trik kali ini kita akan coba membahas tentang "Bagaimana Caranya Menampilkan Status Offline/Online Yahoo Messenger". Trus fungsinya apa nih? gini, kalo ada misalnya ada penandanya seperti itu kan nanti pengunjung blogmu akan bisa langsung berinteraksi langsung denganmu, nha kalo gitu kan nanti pengunjung blogmu jadi tambah sayang ma kamu :p
Ok Langsung aja, Contohnya akan seperti ini, jika status kamu offline maka gambarnya akan seperti ini :

trus jika kamu online maka iconya akan berubah seperti ini:

Cara buatnya sangat gampang kamu tinggal copy script berikut ini trus kamu pasang di sidebar kamu, udah tahu kan cara pasanganya, itu lho seperti kalo km masang "page element", Masuk ke "Page Element" trus "Add a Gadget --> HTML/Javascript".

<a href="ymsgr:sendIM?paijo"> <img src=";m=g&amp;t=2&amp;l=us"/>

Ganti text yang warna merah (paijo) dengan id YM kamu.
perhatikan angka "2", itu bisa kamu ganti dengan angka yang lain dan hasilnya gambar yang ditampilkan akan berbeda-beda.

Piye? gampang to?

Boxing Clever.

What do you enjoy most? A single sandwich or unpacking a hamper? An individual present or the multiple excitements of a Christmas stocking/pillow?

That's the thinking behind the MatterBox that I receieved a few weeks ago. Crammed full of a remarkable number of items, this collaboration beween Artomatic and the Post Office is about much more than the stuff.

It recognises that if you stimulate a sense of exploration and discovery (in this case by turning free samples into an event), then you get a far more engaged reaction than that of the recipient of a single item.

Photo: mark simpkins

Roundabout Marketing (Far From Indirect).

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, 26 February 2008 | 03:48

So you find yourself at a roundabout focussing on the traffic-flow you're seeking to join and you're distracted by this.

A council that cuts down street trees in order to avoid the risk of a branch one day falling on someone and prompting a lawsuit, but a council that doesn't seem to have grasped the whole interruptive concept and how it might be a little dangerous in this situation.

More than that, it's indicative of how few organisations/people still actually understand marketing.

Disrupt Your Market, Not Your Users.

Written By Unknown on Monday, 25 February 2008 | 02:37

Disrupting a market is a great way to gain market share. So companies increasingly focus on how to do things differently in their chosen field. It can yield great dividends, but the innovation is only half the job.

If you change the physical shape or size of your product, do you ensure that you facilitate its use by providing or highlighting ways for users to transport/carry them (this applies equally to small items as well as large)?

If you change the technology in your product/service, do you ensure that your users are fully and easily informed about how it works and acknowledges that users will only upgrade every third iteration and thus will be making a larger leap in capabilities and techniques than the developers?

If you disrupt the distribution system of your market by shifting elements of the purchase process to your user, do you ensure that these elements are as simple as possible for them to take on or do you just leave them wandering the (real or virtual) aisles?

If you add functionality to your product/service, do you ensure that existing users are neither overwhelmed by it nor unable to revert to their old usage patterns with ease (this is not just a technical issue as New Coke so ineptly demonstrated)?

Whether you adopt a low end disruption or a new market disruption strategy, there are many other scenarios that could be added to this brief list, but the base line is this. Disrupting your market is great, disrupting your user experience is not.

Influencing - So You Don't Have To.

That may explain why the script is so sharp, tight and funny

Who said that? Oh yes. I did.

Cara Membuat Menu DTree

Written By Unknown on Sunday, 24 February 2008 | 10:19

Apa itu menu Dtree (D-Tree) ? itu lho menu yang memiliki struktur seperti pohon, yang punya cabang-cabang itu lho, Seperti kalo kita membuka Windows Explorer. Menu yang seperti gambar dibawah ini atau seperti contoh ini.

Menu Dtree ini sangat berguna jika kamu memiliki postingan yang buanyak, karena dengan menggunakan menu Dtree maka akan bisa menghemat space/ruang yang ada di blogmu. Nah kamu pingin tahu cara membuatnya?

Beginilah cara membuatnya :

1. Login to Blogger, trus pilih "Layout --> Edit HTML"
2. Taruh kode berikut ini diatas kode <head>

<link rel="StyleSheet" href="" type="text/css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

3. Trus Klik Tombol "Save

4. Setelah itu copy kode berikut ini dan pasang di sidebar kamu, udah tahu tho cara pasangnya? itu lho di menu "Page Element" trus klik "Add a Gadget --> HTML/Javascript". Inolah script yang harus kamu copy di sidebar kamu.

<div class="dtree">
<script type="text/javascript">
d = new dTree('d');
d.add(0,-1,'My example tree');
d.add(1,0,'Node 1','link.html');
d.add(2,1,'Node 1.1','link.html');
d.add(3,2,'Node 1.1.1','link.html');
d.add(5,0,'Node 2','link.html');
d.add(6,5,'Node 2.1','link.html');
d.add(7,5,'Node 2.2','link.html');
d.add(8,0,'Node 3','link.html');
d.add(9,0,'Node 5','link.html');

berikut ini keteranganya:
- Ganti tulisan "link.html" dengan link kamu (judul posting kamu).
- Angka yang pertama harus unik tidak boleh ada yang sama (d.add(1,0,’Node 1’,’link.html’);
- Angka yang kedua merupakan cabang dari angka pertama (perhatikan angka-angka yang memiliki warna sama).

- Kamu bisa mengganti icon-iconnya dengan icon kamu sendiri, contoh scriptnya akan seperti ini:


Ganti text "" dengan alamat gambar kamu. contohnya akan seperti ini :

Nha gampang tho .....

Marketing And Strategy.

Written By Unknown on Friday, 22 February 2008 | 07:26

Business strategy and marketing are very similar disciplines (when properly understood). They both focus on the raison d'etre of a business - satisfying customer needs. That's why marketing must be central to any business. If it isn't, it's because marketing hasn't been properly marketed within the business. Here's how you do it.

Michael Porter's definition of strategy.

"Competitive strategy is about being different...It means deliberately choosing a different set of activities to deliver a unique mix of value (for the customer)."

Peter Drucker's definition of marketing.

"Marketing is not only much broader than selling...It encompasses the entire business. It is the whole business seen from the point of view of the final result, that is, from the customer's point of view."


The Marketing Dilemma.

Written By Unknown on Thursday, 21 February 2008 | 15:26

“We’re talking to global marketing directors who think about how to sell more product, rather than how they tell people their chocolate bar tastes good,”

Both sides of the argument are right and wrong simultaneously, but I'd always err on the revenue-generating side.

Cara Menuliskan Script/Kode Dalam Artikel Blog

Untuk menuliskan script/kode kedalam artikel blog memang ada tekniknya sendiri, karena jika kita menuliskannya dengan cara yang biasa maka yang akan muncul kemudian di blog tidaklah seperti dengan apa yang kita tuliskan. Misalnya gini, jika kita menuliskan kode <head> dengan cara yang biasa maka hasilnya tidak akan muncul dalam postingan karena kode tersebut langsung diterjemahkan kedalam bahasa HTML. Jadi untuk menuliskan kode <head>, maka yang seharusnya dituliskan supaya bisa muncul kode tersebut adalah ini &lt;head&gt;. Nah terus bagaimana kalau ada banyak kode yang harus kita posting?
Mau tahu bagaimana caranya menuliskan kode2/script2 tersebut ke dalam blog?

Ada beberapa cara untuk menuliskan kode-kode tersebut kedalam blog, diantaranya yaitu:

Cara Pertama :
- Gunakan software-software web design, misalnya Macromedia Dreamwaver, Microsoft Frontpage, Namao Web Editor. Atau bisa juga dengan software-software blogtools seperti post2blog dll.
- Trus tuliskan semua kode pada area design, kemudian copy kode-kode tersebut dari area HTML Code. Nha kode-kode dalam area HTML Code tersebut lah yang harus diposting.

Cara Kedua :
- Tuliskan semua kode/script ke dalam notepad
- Kemudian ganti/replace kode-kode berikut

Kode Pengganti
- Udah tahu kan caranya mereplace di notepad? itu lho dengan memilih menu edit --> replace kemudian pada kotak yang muncul masukkan kode yg akan direplace pada kolom "Find what" trus masukkan kode pengantinya pada kolom "Replace with"trus tekan tombol Replace All.
- Nha kalo udah semua baru kamu copy semua kode yang udah direplace all tadi, trus kamu masukkan kedalam postingan kamu.

Cara Ketiga :
- Buka situs ini, trus isikan kode-kode kamu kedalam kotak yang disediakan, nha kalo sudah tekan tombol "Encode", nha maka kamu akan mendapatkan script baru untuk diposting di blog kamu.

Piye? Gampang to? gitu aja kok repot.....

Here Comes Everybody.

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 | 09:17

In his forthcoming book, Clay Shirky explains how internet media has become social media - allowing customers to follow their natural instincts and act in groups.

The book does not fully detail the implications for business but elsewhere he nails it,

What do businesses need to know: Businesses need to know that the old simplicities of dealing with their customers are disappearing, because customers are now able to coordinate their actions in groups......Now, thanks to social media, customers are part of active groups, groups that form and dissolve quickly in response to people's interests or needs -- most messages in this media flow within social groups, rather than from businesses to individuals.

If your marketing outlook doesn't fully embrace that simple fact, it's operating in a world that is fast disappearing.

Yo-Yo Marketing.

Written By Unknown on Monday, 18 February 2008 | 13:02

The "Sleeping and Dreaming" exhibition was interesting but, to be honest, I mainly took away the observation that a lot of German academics film people while they're asleep.

However, in a piece of promotional material for the main collection I read the following,

"I'm no longer on a diet. I'm no longer in that state of constant failure."

Isn't that great advice for the slumbering marketing industry? Just as yo-yo dieters need to break the cycle to reach their goal, marketers must also break their cycle.

Perhaps it's time to stop doing what you've always done, time to stop looking for quick fixes or the latest vogue and time to act on your acknowledgement that most of it doesn't work any more.

Membuat Kotak Komentar Intensedebate

Written By Unknown on Sunday, 17 February 2008 | 09:51

Bagi pengguna blogger tentunya sudah tahu kan kalo kotak komentar yang ada di blogger tidak langsung berada dibawah postingan, tapi harus nge-klik link dulu baru akan muncul pop-up kotak buat ngisi komentar. Nha dulu kita kan pernah mengakali hal ini dengan memakai jasa pihak kedua yaitu dengan menggunakan kotak komentar dari haloscan, tapi ternyata banyak pemakai yang komplain karena hasilnya tidak seperti yang diharapkan mungkin karane tidak sesuai dengan template yang digunakan. Nha ketika aku jalan-jalan di blog orang lain trus aku baca-baca (sebenarnya sih nggak bisa bacanya, lha wong tulisanya pake tulisan campur ama tulisan cina :p ). Aku lihat dibagian bawah ada kotak komentar yang sepertinya asing, trus aku selidiki, akhirnya ketemu deh cara buatnya. Nha bagi yang kemarin gagal makai kotak haloscan mungkin yang ini bisa jadi alternatif. Mau tahu cara buatnya?

Cara buatnya sangat mudah,
1. Login ke blogger, trus pilih "Layout --> Edit HTML", Nha kamu klik link "Download Full Template", untuk membackup template kamu.
2. Trus kamu datangi situs ini trus daftar disana, cara daftarnya gampang kok. kalo udah daftar trus login ya. Trus masuk ke menu "dashboard"
3. Di sebelah kanan atas ada sebuah tombol biru yang ada tulisannya "add blog", klik tombol tersebut.
4. Trus akan muncul kota untuk mengisikan alamat blog kamu, isi kotak tersebut dengan alamat blogmu trus klik tombol dibawahnya.
5. Kemudian akan muncul pemandangan seperti ini :

6. Pilih yang "Widget (Recomended)" aja biar mudah.
7. Trus dibawahnya kan ada beberapa pilihan untuk "Replace Comment System", Pilih "On post without comments" jika kamu pingin kotaknya muncul dalam postingan yang belum ada komentarnya (komentar-komentar kamu yang sebelumnya masih tetap ada tapi pada postingan yang sudah ada komentarnya kotak komentar ini tidak muncul). jika km pingin semua postingan menggunakan kotak komentar ini maka pilih yang "On all blog post" (semua komentar kamu yang sebelumnya akan hilang).
8. Kalo sudah klik tombol "Complete Installation"
9. Maka kamu akan melihat halaman seperti ini :

10. Klik tombol "ADD WIDGET". Trus langsung jadi deh kotak komentar kamu.

Coba dilihat blog kamu, trus coba pilih salah satu postingan kamu dan lihat dibawahnya, Insya'Allah kamu akan melihat kotak komentar seperti ini :

Oh ya, satu lagi nih kelebihannya, kamu bisa dengan mudah menghapus kotak komentar ini karena ini bebrbentuk widget, caranya seperti biasa kalo kamu menghapus element.
Nah, SELAMAT MENCOBA ..**>...*>>$%##@

The Expertise Of Agencies.

Written By Unknown on Friday, 15 February 2008 | 06:15

One of my pet hates is the way that marketing departments outsource so much of their work. It's a question of balancing specialist skills against intimate knowledge of the product/service and its marketplace and I'm not sure that balance is correctly maintained.

But sometimes, I accept, I am too critical of agencies. Today, for example, I am sure the clients of an international agency will be reassured to know that its staff are increasing their skillset in response to this memo.

Subject: Think Chairs


????????? from ???????? will be in the office on Friday February 15, to do a quick demo on how to use your chair.

He will be covering the following:

Alive Seating
Ergonomic Principles
Environmental Story

Please make sure that you bring your chair to the session.

(The Oklahoma bombing memorial are chairs worth thinking about.)

Dasar Dasar HTML

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, 13 February 2008 | 20:41

Sebuah Web atau Blog tidak bisa lepas dari yang namanya HTML (Hyper Text Mark up Language) karena HTML inilah yang mendasari sebuah web/blog. Walaupun sekarang kita bisa membuat web/blog hanya dengan klak-klik mouse tapi setidaknya kita harus sedikit mengerti tentang dasar-dasar HTML, ya tho?. Dalam tutorial kali ini kita tidak akan membahas tentang semua dasar-dasar HTML tapi kita akan mempelajari tag-tag atau kode-kode penting yang sering digunakan dalam membangun sebuah web/blog misalnya cara membuat link, menampilkan gambar, mengganti warna font, membuat barus baru dll. Ok marikita mulai pelajaranya :

kode :
<img src="" border="0" height="17" width="90">
keterangan :
yang warna biru adalah lokasi gambar kamu.
height="17" width="90" adalah ukuran lebar dan tinggi gambar
hasil :

Kode :
<a href="" >trik blog </a>
Keterangan :
Text warna biru adalah link yang dituju.
Tulisan "trik blog" adalah tulisan yang ditampilkan.
Jika pingin yang dikasih link bukan tulisan melainkan gambar maka ganti tulisan tersebut dengan kode gambar seperti diatas, sehinga kodenya akan seperti ini :
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" height="17" width="90"> </a>
Jika pingin link yang dituju dibuka dalam window baru maka tambahkan kode target="_blank" setelah kode ""
Hasil :
trik blog (dibuka pada window yg sama)
(dibuka pada window baru)

Kode :
Keterangan :
Ganti tulisan "text" dengan tulisan yana kamu inginkan, tau bisa juga diganti dengan gambar

Kode :
Keterangan :
Tambahkan kode tersebut sebelum objek (text/gambar) yang dinginkan

Kode :

Hasil :
Garis Bawah

<font color="#FF0000"> text </font>
<font color="red"> text </font>

Keterangan :
Ganti text yang dicetak tebal dengan warna atau kode warna kesukaanmu.
Hasil :


Kode2 warna selengkapnya bisa dilihat DISINI

Ada beberapa karakter yang tidak bisa ditulis secara langsung, jika ditulis maka akan hilang atau berubah, jadi untuk menuliskanya harus menggunakan kode-kode tertentu, berikut ini contoh karakter-karakter tersebut :

Saving Pennies To Lose Dollars.

It's trivial, but I realise that while I chose flights on price and convenience on my recent trip, the thing I remember most vividly is my feeling of disappointment at the inferior quality of the meals on one of the carriers. Now airline food is not expected to be gourmet quality and readily meets those expectations, but this time I just had the feeling that cost-cutting had prevailed. I wasn't even hungry. But I felt I was being short-changed.

Maybe the airline's executives are too focussed on the price sensitivity that has come with deregulation and the transparency of price-comparison sites, but now when I search those sites I will definitely feel less inclined to click on this carrier's logo. Although everything else about the flight was fine, there is now an airline for which I definitely don't have a preference.

Consequently, the price differential tomorrow will have to be markedly larger than this time last week if they are to get my business.

Value = price + experience and even tiny things can sway that equation.

Never Fake It.

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, 12 February 2008 | 07:41

According to this article, the requirement for Japanese staff to maintain a permanent fake smile may be building up real emotional problems when they leave work.

Real emotions, Makoto Natsume says, are being dangerously suppressed by the “smile masks” that women wear all day at work and the psychological effects he sees among patients are devastating. Depression, mental illness and other disorders are spreading fast, he cautions, and smile-mask syndrome could soon become a serious national health issue.

That seems something of an allegory for marketing to me. Firstly aim to create a working environment in which the smiles are genuine and a product/service that elicits the same response and, secondly, never fake it. People always know.

Always Stay On Message.

Written By Unknown on Saturday, 9 February 2008 | 13:10

A Brenthaven rucksack is designed to safely carry a laptop and even protect it when dropped. The webiste uses phrases like "Virtually Indestructible", "The fabric we use can take a beating" and "Rugged Ballistic Nylon is the best and most durable nylon in the marketplace".

While these claims are apparently entirely justifiable, I couldn't help but notice the double boxing which protected it from Amazonian rigours. That's the Amazon online retail business, not the jungle.

You're always sending product messages, even when your product is literally out of your hands. So maybe, Brenthaven should reinforce their ruggedness message by the simple act of insisting that its products are always despatched with minimal packaging,

Cara Membuat Template di Blogger

Written By Unknown on Friday, 8 February 2008 | 20:51

Yak akhirnya jadi juga, seperti yang aku janjikan kemarin yaitu "Cara Membuat Template Blogger". Mulai dari mana ya? nnnngg.. :t ohya, tak jelasin dulu deh tentang artikel ini. Gini, dalam trik berikut, kita akan mencoba membuat template yang paling sederhana dan paling mudah. Sebenarnya dalam mebuat template di blogger harus mengerti tentang CSS dan HTML, tapi untuk kali ini kita hanya memerlukan sedikit kemampuan tersebut karena kita akan membuat template yang paling sederhana, tapi jangan salah walaupun caranya sederhana tapi hasilnya bisa sangat luar biasa, tergantung dari desainernya. Ok deh mulai aja deh ya, kayaknya udah pada nggak sabar nih.

Gini, cara termudah dalam membuat template blogger yaitu dengan mendownload sebuah template kemudian kita otak-atik sendiri, jadi kita tidak perlu membuat dari awal. Untuk bahan praktek kali ini kita coba memakai template yang aku dah pernah aku buat, downlad disini bahannya. Sebelum kita mulai gue saranin lo buat blog baru aja biar gak ngerusak blog asli kamu.

Tahap Desain

Template yang akan kita buat disini memiliki empat komponen utama yaitu Background, Header, Main dan Footer. seperti yang ada dalam gambar berikut:

Jadi kamu harus membuat keempat komponen tersebut. Cara buatnya gimana? kamu harus bisa menggunakan software image editor seperti Photoshop, Corel, Paint dll. Cara pembuatan desainya lebih jelasnya seperti ini:
1. Buat desain seperti gambar diatas
2. Pada bagian background usahakan bersifat "Tile / Pattern" (kecil dan berulang-ulang).
3. Untuk Main dibagi lagi menjadi beberapa kolom, boleh 2 kolom, 3 kolom atau terserah deh. Dan biasanya terdiri dari bagian utama (posting) dan sidebar.
4. Kemudian potong-potong perbagian.
5. Untuk bagian Header motongnya harus full.
6. Bagian background, main dan footer motongnya sedikit aja karena bersifat "tile"
7. Desain diatas kalo dipotong-potong akan menjadi seperti ini :


8. Upload potongan-potongan tersebut pada sebuah webhosting atau layanan penyimpanan file lainya. Contohnya di geocities atau Photobucket dll.

Nha modeng po ra?

Sekarang kita memasuki ke tahap penyusunan di blogger. gini langkah-langkahnya. Ohya udah di download belum tadi bahanya, kalo belum download dulu diatas itu. Ok kita mulai:
1. Kembali ke blogger dan ke menu "Edit HTML".
2. Trus klik tombol "Brows" untuk mengupload template yg udah kamu donwload tadi.
3. Kemudian Cari kode seperti ini:

body { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; text-align: left; font:$bodyfont; color:$textcolor; background: #323232 url('') repeat-x top left; }

4. Ganti text yang dicetak tebal dengan lokasi gambar background yang kamu buat.
5. Cari kode seperti ini :

#center {background: #ffffff url('') repeat-y top center;}

6. Ganti text yang dicetak tebal dengan lokasi gambar main kamu.
7. Cari kode seperti ini:

#header { margin: 0; height:196px; width:898; color: $pagetitlecolor; background: url('') no-repeat top center; }

8. Ganti text yang dicetak tebal dengan gambar header.
9. Cari kode seperti ini:

#footer { margin: 0; width: 898px; height:80px; padding: 0px; background: url('') repeat-y top center; }

10. Ganti text yang dicetak tebal dengan gambara foter.
11. Masih ada beberapa hal yang harus kamu perhatikan. coba cari kode-kode berikut:

#outer-wrapper { width: 898px; margin: 0px auto 0; text-align: justify; }

kode width: 898px menunjukkan lebar dari blog kamu, kamu bisa mengubahnya sesuai keinginanmu, tapi harus disesuaikan dengan lebar desain gambar yang kamu buat.

#main { float: left; width: 445px; margin: 5px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; line-height: 1.5em; word-wrap: break-word; /* fix for long text breaking sidebar float in IE */ overflow: hidden; }

kode width: 445px; adalah lebar daerah main yang berisi posting, kamu bisa merubahnya.

#sidebar { float: right; width: 153px; padding-right: 50px; font-size: 83%; color: $sidebartextcolor; line-height: 1.4em; word-wrap: break-word; overflow: hidden; }
#ads-wrapper {float: left; width: 195px; padding-left: 10px; word-wrap: break-word; overflow: hidden; }

kode width: 153px; adalah lebar sidebar bagian kanan. Dan kode width: 195px; adalah lebar sidebar bagian kiri. Terus kode padding-right: 50px; jarak antara tulisan atau isi sidebar sebelah kanan dengan garis batas kanan. Dan kode padding-left: 10px; adalah jarak antara isi sidebar kiri dengan garis batas kiri.

#header { margin: 0; height:196px; width:898; color: $pagetitlecolor; background: url('') no-repeat top center; }

kode height:196px; width:898; adalah ukuran tinggi dan lebar bagian header, kamu bisa menyesuaikannya dengan ukuran header kamu.

#footer { margin: 0; width: 898px; height:80px; padding: 0px; background: url('') no-repeat top center; }

kode width: 898px; height:80px; adalah ukuran lebar dan tinggi bagian footer.

12. Nah kalo udah selesai coba di preview template kamu, sudah sesuai kah? atau hancur?
13. Kalo sudah di Save.

:f akhirnya selesai juga aku buat artikel tentang pembuatan template, capek ya? tapi ingat sekali lagi ini adalah metode membuat template yang mudah dan sederhana, jadi sebenrnya isi dari template lebih rumit lagi, munkin kapan-kapan akan kita bahas detail dari bagian-bagina template tersebut.


Written By Unknown on Thursday, 7 February 2008 | 11:55

QUICKSILVER é uma espécie de “launcher”, isto é, um programa que permite abrir facilmente e rapidamente qualquer tipo de aplicacativo, informações, etc.
Ele pode ser “moldado” de acordo com a necessidade do usuário, sendo assim você pode configurar teclas de atalho para chamá-lo, as minhas teclas de atalho por exemplo são: option+space.
Quando você chama o programa pelas teclas de atalho irá aparecer uma pequena janela na tela. Por exemplo você quer abrir o “Firefox”, basta pressionar suas “hot keys”(teclas de atalho) para chamar o Quicksilver e escrever Firefox ou simplesmente escrever “Fir” que ele irá mostrar programas que começam com “Fir”.
Quando você digitar “Fir” ou Firefox, bastar clicar em Execute ou “dar Enter” e pronto! o programa já executa.
Quando aberto, o Quicksilver criará um catálogo das aplicações e de algumas pastas frequentemente usadas para ter rápido acesso.
Depois de ativá-lo, você poderá procurar e abrir qualquer coisa imediatamente.
A busca é adaptável, assim o programa reconhecerá quais artigos você está procurando, baseado na experiência precedente.
Se o programa não estiver em uso, ele desaparecerá até a próxima vez que você o abrir.
Além disso oferece copia de arquivos, modificação de textos, transmissão entre programas e abertura de arquivos com uma aplicação específica.
VÍdeo de demonstração: LINK

Show The Customer What You Do.

I found myself critiquing the website of a talented woman the other night (as one does). Like so many people/businesses/designers she had focussed on all that boring information she thought should be on the front page. After all you need your visitors to be able to contact you, scroll through your stuff and read testimonials.

All true, of course, but website as directory doesn't work, Google is the directory of choice. Once a potential customer finds you online or off, it's because they've identified you as a potential solution to their problem.

So your first priority must be to show them what you can do - unequivocally, simply and effectively. Just like this cosmetic surgery business does.

via marketing alternif

D-VISION 3 video converter

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, 6 February 2008 | 16:53

Conversor de DVD para DIVX ,Xvid ou h264.
Similar ao software HandBrake , mas com algumas opções a mais.
Muito prático e funcional.

Webhosting Brengsek!!!!

Sory yang ini bukan tentang Trik & Tips Blog yang seperti biasanya, tapi ini cuman unek-unek ungkapan kekecewaan terhadap salah satu penyedia layanan webhosting. Gini nih nih ceritanya, aku kan mbangun beberapa website (bukan blog) di webhosting ini (, tapi sekitar seminggu yang lalu semua website tersebut nggak bisa diakses lewat warnet, tapi anehnya bisa dibuka lewat browser Operamini di HP. Awalnya sih aku kira mungkin servernya sedang nggak fit, tapi setelah beberapa hari kok hasilnya masih tetep error. Trus aku coba tanya dan kirim email ke adminya, dan ternyata jawabanya bikin aku kaget banget, gini nih intinya dia bilang gini "IP dalam range negara Indonesia di blockir", :@ aku bener2 kaget dan shock melihat jawabanya :# . Padahal nih aku buat website-website tersebut tidak mudah, burbulan-bulan aku membuatnya, dan beratus-ratus mega ngupload fileku disana, dan tentunya beratus-ratus jam aku habisin waktuku di warnet, data-datanya juga ilang semua, dan semuanya dihancurkan dalam sekejap. Padahal situs-situs itu udah banyak pelangganya dan dah bisa jadi tuyul buat nyari dollar, hiks.hiks.. :c sungguh kejam kau

Udah ah nangisnya, sekali-kali boleh dong curhat dikit biar kayak blog-blog pada umumnya, nggak cuma ngebahas tentang trik dan tips mlulu. Pokoknya sekarang harus semangat, biarpun harus mulai dari awal lagi.


Written By Unknown on Tuesday, 5 February 2008 | 07:43

But it didn't spoil my enjoyment of the three flavours I was eating in what passes for my office this week.

When Heritage Goes Bad.

If you make a claim for your product/service you better make sure it's a reflection of current behaviour. This struck me when I saw the inside lid of the Haagen Daz just now. It says

We began more than 40 years ago with three flavors, and it took six years to develop a fourth. That's the patient and uncompromising approach we've taken to every new product we've created ever since.

A nice claim to heritage and authenticity except that, at that rate, they'd only have seven flavours and it sure didn't look like that to me when I was in the supermarket.

Superbowl Silly Season.

Written By Unknown on Monday, 4 February 2008 | 17:47

It was interesting to see how much people were tweeting the Superbowl ads as they aired. It's become a self-fulfilling prophecy. The richest ad space on the planet ($2.7 million per 30 seconds) becomes an event. But I'm wondering if it's only an event for those in the industry.

Sorry to tell you folks, but the huge audience is there for the football game and maybe the half-time show. The ads are as interruptive as ever and seemingly more ignored than ever before.

You might think that Fedex had a better spot than or Tide but I'm not sure regular people were watching.

Added Link: Courtesy of Marcus, a time-lapse video of people watching the game (in the breaks between eating). Sadly, ad-breaks aren't highlighted.

Free Don't Pay The Rent.

Written By Unknown on Sunday, 3 February 2008 | 13:59

There is a reason why Kevin Kelly's post about the alternatives to free is being quoted everywhere. I make no apology for joining in. This is about as important a business post as you can get and will be in your top ten reads of the year come December.

If you don't spend endless time focussing on how to ensure your product/service delivers immediacy, personalisation, interpretation (comprehension), authenticity, accessibility, embodiment (sensual tactility), patronage (loyalty) or findability - and preferably any number of those factors, then you will be toast.

Camino - web browser

Written By Unknown on Saturday, 2 February 2008 | 11:00

Camino é um navegador web (browser) para o sistema operativo Mac OS X da Apple, baseado no código fonte Mozilla, diferencia-se do Mozilla Firefox por utilizar nativamente os recursos do sistema Mac OS X.
Ao invés de uma interface baseada na linguagem XUL, o Camino usa a API Cocoa, nativa do Mac OS.
Um dos objetivos do projeto é se integrar o melhor possível com o sistema operacional dos Macintoshes, para isso usa a a interface gráfica Aqua e utiliza uma série de serviços do Mac OS X como o gerenciador de senhas (Keychain), o compartilhamento de arquivos via rede (Bonjour), o corretor ortográfico e o suporte a múltiplos idiomas (incluindo o português). Outros recursos incluem um bloqueador de pop-ups, navegação por abas e suporte aos principais padrões da WWW.
O navegador é desenvolvido pelo Camino Project, uma organização aberta dos usuários e desenvolvedores.
O líder do projeto é Mike Pinkerton, no posto desde 2002 quando Dave Hyatt se transferiu para o desenvolvimento do navegador Safari na Apple Computer.


Cansado de ficar alternando entre browser e player de música? Então o Songbird pode ser uma boa opção.
O programa, derivado do código-fonte do Mozilla e ainda em versão beta, permite navegar na web e tocar MP3, além de organizar os arquivos em listas de reprodução.
É possível importar a biblioteca do iTunes e adicionar arquivos de qualquer diretório. Também dá para acessar o conteúdo do iPod ou de outro dispositivo USB.
Um dos recursos mais interessantes é a procura de músicas em cada página da internet que é aberta. Automaticamente, o Songbird envia os títulos encontrados para uma biblioteca da iternet, de onde as faixas podem ser baixadas.
O navegador já vem cheio de links para portais de MP3 como SkreemR e Insound, além de uma barra de pesquisa em sites como Google, Yahoo! e Wikipedia.
O tocador é capaz de reproduzir uma variedade grande de formatos, como MP3, AAC, OGG, FLAC e WMA. Assim como no programa da Apple, ele permite a busca e atualização de podcasts.

Microsoft And Yahoo.

Written By Unknown on Friday, 1 February 2008 | 07:11

So Microsoft are formally trying to acquire Yahoo. The offer document is naturally filled with details of the opportunities that they suggest this will bring. But what of the opportunities for smaller businesses?

They might feel increasingly vulnerable in the face of the creation of such a huge conglomerate. But that's only true if they don't change.

The deal would have an impact on a huge number of users of a variety of services and there will be a minority of Yahoo users who might not want to be associated with Microsoft for the simple reason that they chose Yahoo's equivalent service in the past. That minority could in actual terms be a very big number of potential customers for a third party.

If your marketplace is overshadowed by one or more large businesses, you must not assume that you can't deliver some need better than they can. Focussing on the competition is important but focussing on the customer will always trump that. All business relationships are essentially one to one after all, so playing in the shadows can be very lucrative.
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