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Jual Domain Murah

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, 30 April 2008 | 04:43

Ayo bagi yang pingin beli domain silahkan beli di rumah bisnis saya yang baru Tarifnya murah silahkan kunjungi ya. Tarif harganya bisa dilihat disini. Bagi yang beli di sana nanti akan dapet bimbingan gratis untuk setting domainnya :D . Pembayarannya bisa melalu Bank BCA dan juga bisa lewat paypal. Ayo buruan beliii...

he.he. promosi lagi. :z :z

No Secrets In Marketing.

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, 29 April 2008 | 09:31

Jeffre nicely skewers a domain name seller for being so transparent in their upselling motivation that they inadvertantly announce it in their url.

This doesn't just apply to the online world of course. Everything you do is noticed somewhere by someone and, if it's noteworthy, it will be repeated. All the more reason to ensure it's noteworthy for positive reasons.

Innocent AGM.

Written By Unknown on Monday, 28 April 2008 | 11:04

On Saturday, I attended Innocent's first AGM. One of their founders told me that the key to success is making a good product. I, of course, agree that it's that simple (and that difficult). They also have insightful labelling.

It was nine years ago today that they sold their first smoothie. Today they sell more than 100 million. No wonder everybody talks about them.

Ketahui Seberapa Berat Blogmu

Written By Unknown on Friday, 25 April 2008 | 08:20

Dalam membuat blog tentunya kita ingin supaya blog kita tampil semenarik mungkin, ya to? Tapi karena saking semangatnya kita dalam mempercantik blog, kadang-kadang kita sampai melupakan sesuatu yang penting, yaitu masalah berat (size) dan kecepatan (speed) berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk membuka blog kita.

Walaupun blog kita bagus tapi kalo blog kita lama banget dibukanya maka pengunjungpun jadi enggan untuk singgah di blog kita. Kita tentu pernah kan membuka suatu web/blog yg luama buanget, karena saking lamanya kita akhirnya tidak jadi membuka web/blog tersebut. Nha tentu km gak pingin gitu kan, blogmu jadi miskin pengunjung gara-gara loading membukanya lama.

Nha dibawah ini ada alat untuk mengukur berapa besar ukuran (size) blog dan seberapa cepat loadingnya... Untuk menggunakan alat dibawah ini kamu tinggal memasukkan alamat blog yang ingin di cek. Kemudian hasilnya akan langsung keluar. Hasil yang ditampilkan yaitu : Size, Load Time dan Avarege Speed per KB. Yang perlu diperhatikan adalah "Size", karena "Load Time" dan "Avarege Speed per KB" hasilnya akan selalu berubah-ubah. Jika hasil tes menunjukkan blogmu size-nya lebih dari 100 KB, usahakan untuk menguranginya dengan cara mengurangi pernak-pernik yang kurang begitu berguna seperti jam, kalender, dll. Dengan alat ini km juga bisa membandingkan dengan web/blog kepunyaan orang lain.

Selamat mencoba.

Masukkan alamat web/blog (maksimum 10)

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6 Marketing Lessons From The Chat Room.

(click here to enlarge...... the picture).

Many of the key innovations of the online world have been led by the adult industry, so naturally my first reaction on seeing this image (courtesy of Marcus) was to consider the numerous marketing insights it provides.

1) Scarcity Of Attention - traditionally the scarcity has come from the potential customer, but here we see the provider rationing her attention and thus stimulating a huge pent-up demand.

2) Trading Up - traditionally it's been felt that you have to provide your customer with an enthusiastic greeting and rewarding experience in order to increase their expenditure, but here we see the indifference strategy forcing customers to the paid rooms.

3) Power Naps - human capital is your key resource in this ultra-competitive world, but here we see what happens when you don't ensure your staff are well rested. Providing sleeping facilities at the office is not the answer.

4) Free Is The New Pricing - some would have you believe that the future lies in giving away your offering and reaping the benefit via ancillary services, but here we see the provider reminding us that you really do get what you pay for.

5) Markets Are Conversations - traditionally it has been felt that conversation is two way, but here we see that in a modern one to one business model, the provision of the mechanism is enough. Guest 705 is quite happy to do it alone.

6) Visual Literacy - traditionally marketing messages were direct, unimaginative and assumed nothing of the intelligence of the customer, but here we see a provider fully confident that we will recognise this as the homage to the Comcast guy that it is.

I'm sure there are many others - feel free to add them in the comments.

Who's Your Client?

Written By Unknown on Thursday, 24 April 2008 | 14:00

Hidden in the interview with the founder of mobile advertising network Admob was the revelation that banner ads get better click-through rates than simple text ads, but that some operators worry about them interfering with the UI and thus the user experience.

It's the age-old marketing problem. Balancing the needs of your clients against the needs of their customers. Never doubt that erring on the side of the latter is the way to go.

Keeping It Real.

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, 23 April 2008 | 13:38

Speaking of the logo that artists designed for his new album, Nick Cave makes an interesting observation.

“The wires are telling you: somebody built this thing. It's the same reason we tend to use the first or second take of a song rather than the third or fourth. They may not be perfect, but they capture some sort of essence.”

Would your customers recognise your product/service as being made by someone, but not "perfected" to the point of sanitisation?

Twitter Spam.

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, 22 April 2008 | 06:49

In my usual early acquirer fashion, I started using Twitter a long time and have delighted in receiving classic tweets such as "Pardon me boy is this the Heathrow Express?", "Gazing at the ocean. Looking for a kettle", and the classic "Riding the Tube like a mofo."

The stress was very much on the ambient intimacy that Lisa Reichelt identified. The reaction was one of delight, wry amusement or an excuse to grab a coffee/beer. But now, hot on the heels of the rise of the verbose super users, we're inevitably getting the guides to corporate tweeting.

Tara produced a comprehensive one yesterday, but I fear that a lack of restraint on the part of companies who read her words will ruin the delight of Twitter and backfire on them. The technology is only the medium and any company using it cannot afford to forget that Twitter is something more than that to its users and no doubt a different thing to each of them.

The strength of Twitter is its "one to many" messaging ability, but from a marketing perspective the "many" have to want the message and even if thye agree to follow (i.e receive messages from) a company, there is an implicit level of incoming traffic that they will not tolerate. The marketing danger here is that the combination of the ease of sending the short message form and the flow/stream aesthetic of Twitter will lead to abuse of that permission. Because of the limited size of the Twitter page, such behaviours will quickly become spam of the worst kind.

The smart strategy is far less complex. I want companies to have a Twitter account where I can reach them and, to their credit, some companies are already doing that. If I have an issue with a company, I want to be able to pull a very quick reaction from them. In an age of web 2.0 information overload, I don't want to be bombarded by them with unrequested offers and items they think might amuse me.

When we market our company's products/services, we have to remember that part of the job is to to be the individual's advocate. It's all too easy to serve the company's needs and forget about the customer. By way of example, I hope that Tara forgives me for pointing out the unfortunate coincidence of events that occurred today.

No sooner had I read something in her guide that worried me

Rickrolls or other fun internet games - this shows you are a bunch of fun and has people trying to do the same for you. Spreading as many internet memes as possible is good.

than I checked my Twitter and read her tweet with which I was in total agreement.

We've all done it. The customer is not different to you and me. They are you and me.

Intangible Social Objects.

Written By Unknown on Monday, 21 April 2008 | 11:00

Continuing my recent thought that a social object used to faciliatate interest in one's product/service doesn't actually have to be an object, I even wonder if it has to be something with which the customer directly engages at all. Maybe it could be something that happens to the customer. The advantage with this type of social object is that the business can exercise significant influence on it. Some thinking aloud follows.

Behaviour as social object - people talk about the fact that your business walks the walk and that you consitently do what you claim you do.

Etiquette as social object - people like to belong and will talk about a place, be it real or virtual, be it club, society or user group, where everyone implicitly acknowledges a certain way of doing things.

Interaction as social object - people notice when you make it easy for them to do what they want to do. They talk about it and usage spreads.

Service as social object - people talk about little else. Get it wrong or get it right, you know that people will talk about this.

In a web 2.0 world, they could otherwise be known as authenticity, community, usability and customer-centricity. The commonality here? Good old differentiation. Not the faux differentiation of much advertising, but a real distance of difference separating you from the all too often mediocre norm. There's nothing like that to get people talking.

Cara-Cara Mendapatkan Dollar Lewat Internet

Ada bermacam-mcam cara untuk mendapatkan dollar lewat internet. Mulai dari google adsense, Program review, Baca email, Surfey, Download2, Surfing dan lain-lain. Nha bagi yang ingin tahu dan pingin ikutan berburu dollar di internet silahakan kunjungi situs ini :
He..he.. promosi blog baru.... :z

Cara membuat Form "Email Subscriber" / "Berlangganan Lewat Email"

Written By Unknown on Saturday, 19 April 2008 | 20:59

Seperti yang kamu lihat, disebelah kanan blog ini ada sebuah kotak yang berisi kotak untuk mengisikan alamat email dan sebuah tombol yang ada tulisan "Berlangganan Trik Baru". Nha dalam trik dan tips kali ini kita akan belajar kelompok tentang bagaimana membuat kotak tersebut. Oh ya, perlu dijelasin dulu nih apa fungsi dari form tersebut. Form tersebut fungsinya adalah untuk mempermudah para pembaca blog kita agar bisa berlangganan atau mendapatkan info terbari postingan kita melalui email mereka. Jadi jika memposting artikel baru maka para pelanggan/pembaca yang sudah memasukkan email mereka melalui form tersebut akan secara otomatis mendapatkan kiriman email yang berisi postingan terbaru kita. Mudeng ra? wes pokoke ngono lah.
Beginilah cara membuat form "Email Subscriber" tersebut :

1. Kunjungi situs ini :
2. Saat pertama kali datang kamu akan langsung disodori kotak untuk mengisikan alamat feed blogmu yang akan dibakar :D
3. Biasanya alamat feed blog kamu seperti ini , ganti tulisan NAMABLOGMU dengan nama alamat blogmu.
3. Isikan nama feed blogmu tadi dalam kotak yang disodorkan tersebut, jika blogmu itu isinya hanya video2 maka beri tanda centang pada kotak "I am a podcaster", jika tidak ya gak usah dicentang. Kemudian klik tombol "next"
4. Setelah itu kamu akan disodori lagi dengan form pendaftaran, isikan data2 yg diperlukan disana, trus klik tombol "Activate Feed"
5. Nha kalo berhasil nanti akan ada informasi "Congrats! your ......".
6. Dibawahnya akan ada tombol "Next" dan link "Skip directly to feed management" kali ini pilih yang link "Skip directly to feed management", sebenarnya lewat tombol "next" bisa sih tapi biar seru kita lewat jalan lain aja.
7 Kemudian nanti akan ada beberapa menu, kali ini pilih menu "Publicize"
8. Setelah itu disebelah kiri akan muncul beberapa menu. PIlih menu "Email Subscriptions".
9. Kemudian klik tombol "Activate"
10. Nha setelah itu nanti akan ada beberapa kotak yang berisi kode2. Nha kalo km pinginnya yang berbentuk form maka pilih kode yang ada di kotak "Subsciption Form Code".
11. Copy kode yang ada dalam kotak tadi, trus klik tombol "Save" untuk mengaktifkan layanan tersebut.
12. Cara pasangnya, Login ke blogger, pilih "layout --> Add a Gadget --> HTMl/Java Script" nha paste kode yang sudah kamu copy tadi disana.

Sekarang coba dilihat blogmu, udah ada kan form untuk "Email Subscriber".

Trus kalo mo nampilin jumlah reder yang berlanganan gini caranya :
- Login ke feedburner kemudian pilih feed blogmu
- Trus masuk ke menu "Publicize --> FeedCount" nha disitu scriptnya yang harus km copy dan pasang di blogmu.

Tragedi Hilangnya Blog di Blogger

Akhirnya kembali juga blog yg kusayangi ini. Setelah sekitar 2 hari lenyap dari duni internet kini telah exist kembali, walopun belum pilih seutuhnya. Uuuuuh senengnya... :z
Ternyata bener-bener mengerikan jika blog yang kita buat, yang telah menghabiskan isi kantong dan juga waktu kita berbulan-bulan ato bahkan ada yg bertahun-tahun, tiba-tiba harus lenyap dalam sekejap karena dicurigai mengandung "malware". apa itu "malware"? malware (Malicious Software) adalah sebuah program yang pada umumnya diciptakan untuk membobol atau merusak suatu software atau sistem operasi. Nha dalam kasus kali ini, malware tersebut biasanya mendompleng pada sebuah ads/iklan, widget atau template.

Setelah aku cari info kesana kemari ternyata akhir-akhir ini banyak sekali bloger yang kehilangan blognya. Mereka semua juga langsung kelabakan begitu mengetahui bahwa blognya hilang, tidak bisa dibuka sama sekalli, dan ketika dibuka di browser yang yg muncul adalah pesan

"Sory, the blog at has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs."

Bener-bener membuat jantungan jika kita membuka blog kita dan yang muncul adalah pesan tersebut. Ditambah lagi ketika kita login dan melihat dalam dashboard kita kosong isinya, blog-blog yang kita buat lenyap semuanya. Dalam kasus ini aku mencurigai beberapa tersangaka yang diangal google sebagai malware, jadai hati2 jika rekan-rekan bloger bekerjasama dengan beberapa ads/tersangka dibawah ini :

- Tersangka Utama : (salah satu program earning yang memunculkan popup)
- Tersangka Kedua : (salah satu program banner CPM)
- Tersangka Ketiga : (sama seperti pay-ads)

Mungkin dari ketiga tersangka yang aku curigai tersebut ada yang tidak bersalah, aku masih belum tahu pasti yg mana dari ketiganya yang bener-bener bersalah, tapi berdasarkan pengalamanku aku memasang beberapa program tersebut dalam blogku. Jadi bagi bagi-rekan-rekan bloger yang ikut atopun akan ikut dalam program tersebut harap berhati-hati, alih-alih bukanya dolar yang didapat tapi malah kehilangan semua blog yg dimiliki.

Trus apa yang akan kita kita lakukan jika kita mengalami kejadian tersebut, kalo berdasarkan pengalamanku aba beberepa hal yang bisa kamu lakukan yaitu:

1. Hubungi blogger melalui "contact us blogger" mengenai hal ini

2. Masuk ke "Blogger Help Group", ungkapkan permasalahanmu disana karena disana banyak sekali terdapat para bloger yang mengalami kasus yang sama, dan disana ada juga karyawan blogger yang bisa mengatasi masalha kita.

Pada awalnya aku minta semua blogku dikembalikan tapi masih belum ada respon, kemudian aku minta beberapa blog utamaku aja yang dikembalikan dna teryata berhasil, tidak sampe satu hari blog yang aku minta untuk dikembalikan sudah ada dalam dashboardku . Kalo kemarin aku minta sama Mr. Gatsby (nama salah satu karyawan blogger) untuk mengembalikan blogku. aku dikasih tahu penyebabnya ama Mr. Gatsby ini dan juga dikasih solusinya. aku disuruh membersihkan blogku dari malware2 yang menempel, jika sudah aku disuruh melaporkan kembali blog yg sudah bersih dari malware tersebut. Jadi walopun blogku sekarang sudah exist lagi tapi keadaanya masih belum pulih total, alias masih dalam pengawasan blogger dan masih menunggu blogku direview dan dinyatakan bebas dari malware.
Jadi mohon maaf bagi para pengunjung, untuk saat ini yang bisa masuk untuk membaca artikel-artikel selain dihalaman utama hanyalah yang memiliki account di blogger dan dalam keadaan "login".

Oh ya aku ada beberapa tips supaya tidak mengalami atau setidaknya mengurangi resiko yang lebih parah dari hal yang semacam ini:

1. Jika kamu membuat banyak blog sebaiknya tidak dalam satu account karena dalam kasus seperti ini, bukan hanya satu blog yang mengandung malware aja yang akan diremove blogger tapi semua blog yang ada dalma satu account tersebut.
2. Hati dalam memilih iklan-iklan earning, alih-alih bukanya dolar yang didapat tapi malah kehilangan blog.
3. Hmmm... :t gitu aja deh tipsnya :D

Artikel yang berhubungan :

MultiAlarm - proteja seu Ibook/macbook

Afaste os curiosos ou mal-intencionados de perto de seu notebook Apple.
Através dos sensores de vibração (Macbook) ou do teclado e mouse (Ibook) o alarme é disparado, somente será desativado com a senha que você definiu.
Incui a opção de envio de email de alerta, e se você tem webcam ele tira uma foto do "malandro"que foi flagrado e salva automaticamente, ou faz upload via ftp.


Bean é considerado uma versão gratuita do MS Word para Mac.
Simples e poderoso processador de palavras, além de um ótimo editor de textos; simples e funcional.

Female Alert System

Female Alert System é um programa divertido que ajuda os homens a acompanhar o humor de sua namorada, segundo seu calendário menstrual, para evitar problemas durante a temível TPM.
Na realidade é um software engraçado que utiliza o famoso sistema de alerta anti-terrorismo americano HSAD para alertá-lo sobre o período do ciclo menstrual que sua mulher está.
Para acompanhar calendário você marca o primeiro dia do ciclo e o programa vai exibir um código verde, até chegar ao ultimo dia com o código vermelho.

Download: LINK

How to Remove Newfolder.exe Virus

Newfolder.exe is one of annoying virus. The real name of this virus is "Iddono". This virus will copies it’s files to your hard disk.It will eat up your empty hard disk space. Its typical file name is Iddono. Then it creates new startup key with name Iddono and value newfolder.exe. An ".exe" file is being created with the same name as the folder itself in all drivers and cannot be deleted manually. This virus (newfolder.exe) will recreates itself everytime you delete it. Task manager and folder option are disabled. The registry also can’t be opened. This virus also make the system running slowly.

This virus has make a serious problem for thousands users. It’s really make frustating. Standard anti-virus software can do nothing against privacy breakers and malicious programs like that. So what you have to do if your computer is infected by newfolder.exe virus? You can Solve Newfolder..exe Problem Now. There two ways to remove this virus from your computer. You can delete it manually or you can download newfolder.exe virus Remover to remove the virus.

To fix newfolder.exe virus manually may be difficult and you run the risk of destroying your computer. It’s for advanced users only. This problem can be solved manually by deleting all registry keys and files connected with this software, removing it from starup list and unregistering all corresponding DLLs. Additionally missing DLL’s should be restored from distribution in case they are corrupted by Iddono. More instruction read here. If you not sure to delete the files and registry entry, you can Download Iddono Virus Remover. It would be the greet way and easy job for you.

Strangers On A Train 4.

Written By Unknown on Friday, 18 April 2008 | 07:11

Four advertising folk discussing their just completed pitch meeting with an insurance client. Since you weren't there, I was obliged to take notes on your behalf. Key takeaways include

"It's all guff on charts until you put it in an ad."

"Forget the offer that gets you in the door, it's all about moving the brand."

"I'm not sure why I needed to be there."

"Me too, but I guess it gives the impression of commitment."

No, they never mentioned customers. Not once.

Free Article and Tutorial

Written By Unknown on Thursday, 17 April 2008 | 16:54

Do you want to find articles and tutorials for your education or web content? is the greate place for your solution. It’s a web article directory that provide thousands of articles collection. Their tutorials and articles are organized by categories such as Arts & Entertainment articles, Automotive, Business & Finance articles, Computer & Technology tutorials, Health & Fitness tutorials, Home & Garden advice, News & Society, Reference & Education articles. You can get it all for FREE. Yes it’s free for general use but no part of the content may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, without specifying its source (web articles directory).

You also can submit your original article and tutorial to web articles directory. This gives you a huge advantage by submitting your articles to their database. If you submit articles to the directory, it means that you will increase your website traffic and link popularity. Your article submission is analyzed by one of their representatives. You may submit as many articles as you want as long as they are not already published on the Internet.

The tutorials in web articles directory are organized by category. You may find the article and tutorial about Microsoft Office and MAC related articles in the Computers and technology category. You also can find Customer service information in business category. And many more. You also can find an article or tutorial by keywords. Just use the search option available at the top-right side of the page. Also, you may browse articles alphabetically ordered.

Welcome To The Involvement Economy.

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, 16 April 2008 | 16:21

Today, in respect of my recent post, I was told that the original concept behind the Nokia stores had been to create a "retail cathedral". While that is ironic both because of what Eric Raymond wrote and because I'd question the desirability of customer worship alone, it is undeniable that they have succeeded. They have a cathedral while the Apple store is a bazaar filled with people doing things.

The question, of course, is how could Nokia get people doing something (other than perfunctorily fiddling with inert handsets) and thereby staying longer and becoming more engaged. There are many possibilities. Perhaps customers could be helped and encouraged to customise their phones in some way. Or there could be other free services, either directly related to the phones (in the form of game or ringtone downloads) or something along the branded utility lines of perhaps a free fast recharging service or something much more left-field as with the Diesel Playhouse that Faris highlighted the other day.

I'm sure readers smarter than I could come up with many more ideas for Nokia, but, in fact, they did already try to do that. The photo above was taken on the top floor and reminded me of the fabulous Nokia-sponsoredRegent Street Christmas lights which display passer-bys were meant to be able to adjust. I deliberately say "meant to" because, even though I knew about the idea (and most foot traffic didn't have that advantage), I couldn't work out how to do it in December when I passed the site of what was to become the store. Maybe it was just my stupidity, but I couldn't become involved and I never saw anybody else do so.

And it is customer involvement that should be the aim. It's not enough to aim for experiential because that can all too easily be a passive interaction. It's arguably not even enough to aim for engagement because that has implications about on whose terms the engagement is occurring. No, what you should be aiming for are situations in which you facilitate the active involvement of your users (and potential users) in something they wish to do and through which facilitation you can enhance their opinion of you and, in an ideal world, their opinion of your product/service too.

As Peak Attention approaches, I think it's time to start thinking about the Involvement Economy.

New Growing Social Community

Online social communities are becoming popular day by day, because it's very interesting. is a new growing online social community. If you join 3gb community you will meet new friends or your old friends from all over the world. You will connected with various peaple. You can share your photos and make it an album to known by others how good looking you are :) . You alse can join and participate in your favorite group. You can even to make a blog to expose everything. also offering other feature such as hearing new mp3 and chat online. With this feature you can hearing new mp3 hits while you chatting with your friends. This would make you more fan. It's a great way of interacting with other people. So what are you waiting for? go and join 3gb community, I sure you'll enjoy it.

Adakah Alat Untuk Mengecek Link ?

Written By Unknown on Monday, 14 April 2008 | 14:21

Jika kita punya blog tentunya sering dong kita pasang link-link web/blog orang lain. Entah itu karena web/blog yg kita link tersebut berguna buat kita, ataukah kita pasang karena maksud saling bertukar link. Nha kadang-kadang web/blog dari link-link yang kita pasang tersebut sudah lenyap, maka percuma dong kita pasang linknya. Terus untuk yang pasang link dengan maksud saling bertukar link kadang-kadang link blog kita lenyap dari blog teman yg kita ajak tukeran link tersebut, entah sengaja dihapus atau tidak.

Nha biasanya untuk mengecek hal tersebut, kita harus meng-klik satu-persatu link2 yang ada di blog kita. Trus kita datangin web/blog dari link-link tersebut, kalo blognya masih ada kita harus ngecek lagi apakah link blog kita masih dipasang disana apa tidak. Tentunya repot kan jika harus melakukan hal tersebut, belum lagi harus mikirin koneksi internet yg lambat lah, biaya warnet lah dll. Apalagi kalo link yang ada di blog kita jumlahnya banyak bangets. duh cape' deeeh :f

Nha sekarang ini, aku sedang merancang sebuah alat (berbentuk form) yang bisa untuk mempermudah proses tsb. Kita tinggal memasukkan alamat blog kita, trus pencet tombolnya. Tinggal tunggu deh hasilnya, tuing..tuing. langsung muncul laporanya, mana aja link yg masih baik atau yang error. Gimana pada tertarik nggak?
Tunggu ya, sekarang ini alat tersebut sedang di rancang di laboratoriumku. sebentar lagi akan terbit, dan kamu bisa pake memasangnya di blog km masing2. Tenang aja, km gak perlu bayar, aku kasih gratis. km hanya perlu doain aku. Udah pada hapal kan doanya? yang ini lho "Semoga aku bisa menjadi orang yang sukses, kaya, dermawan, baik hati, tidak sombong dan semoga bisa mendapatkan istri yang cantik, setia, baik hati dan sholehah serta bisa hidup bahagia di dunia dan ahirat". :O :r

The Top 5 Made-Up Words Of Web 2.0.

David Armano has been gaining a lot of traction with his tongue in cheek guide to the invented words of Web 3.0 but, in similar vein, let's not forget the invented words of Web 2.0.


It's a metaphor folks. It doesn't mean that your customers want a conversation with you. They generally want a quiet life without unwanted noise from you. They want the ability to interact with you on their terms, they want you to listen and, most crucially, they now have the ability to have a conversation about you when you screw up. Your focus should be on listening and not screwing up rather than having a conversation.


It's a bunch of people folks. As Clay Shirky has indicated, Web 2.0 means they can come together very quickly to form a group that might oppose something, but they're yet to come together to pursue a positive. Crucially, they can quickly disperse and, as Bob Putnam points out, there's not much community feeling out there. Your focus should be on serving individual customers rather than trying to create a false and inevitably fragile group.


It's a one night stand folks. People want interaction on their terms. They don't want them foisted on them via your latest CRM initiative. They want a harem - a group of individuals that are happy to meet their specific needs whenever they call on them while turning a blind eye to their promiscuity. Your focus should be on ensuring that every time they encounter you, it's a wholly positive, time-efficient and memorable experience. If it is, they may want to repeat the liaison.


It's attention-seeking behaviour folks. Ease of expression and creativity is great but it runs up against everyone's scarcity of attention. Fail fast, fail early is a fine philosophy, but only if you learn from the failures and do so increasingly early. Your focus should be on giving people content they want, when they want it and realise that as soon as you don't, they'll move on and remember your content as being irritating multi-media spam in their noise-filled lives.


It's totally subjective folks. But, if you can fake it, you've got it made. Trouble is, you'll get caught out if you try to do that. People don't like lies and pretension in their life, they're attuned to detecting it and will certainly not tolerate it if it's connected to relieving them of their money. Your focus should be on standing for something, behaving consistently in relation to that stand and trusting people's ability to spot that you're doing that.

The point of course is not that Web 2.0 is bogus but that these words are wrongly defined in alleged received wisdom. What Web 2.0 allows and indeed demands of businesses is a return to genuine old-fashioned customer centricity and greatly increased agility of response and attitude. The underlying world hasn't changed and the meaning of these words similarly hasn't changed. Nonsense flows from businesses seeking to monetise them. Profit will flow from really understanding them.

The Importance of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Written By Unknown on Sunday, 13 April 2008 | 20:58

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is one methode of analyzing and constructing a website or Web Design, as well as entire sites, so that it can be discovered, analyzed, and then be indexed by various search engine. SEO can make your web pages content easily read by search engines and their crawling and indexing software (robot). This is very important if you have an internet business. When customers want to find something that they need, they will go to the website address. But if they don't have the URL they will find over search engine by typing kewords related on their topic needs. If your website is not indexed by any search engine, it's almost impossible for customers to locate your website if it's not a famouse website/company. Potential customers might not even know that your site exists.

As an example, a customer would like to find an information about a product that would be used by him/her, but he/she don't know about a certain website which to locate, or even he/she don't know if they actually have a website. So he/she will decide to look in a popular search engine. He/she will type a keyword related on the topic in the seach box, then click on the search button. There will be a great number of site listed in the search result. If your website on the top rank of search engine, it's possible your site will be appear on the first pages or even top of search result page. Then the customer would be happy to click the link and visit to your site.

Search engine is great option. Lately, everyones use it to find what they need. If your website on the top of search engine result pages, potential customers will able to find your pages easily, and your website traffic absolutely will increased very significant. And it will make your business successfull. The question is how to make your pages on the top of search engine result pages? Search engine usually use a programs which are commonly called spiders, crawler, or robots which follow the links from page to page. The pages ara analyzed, indexed and added to the databases search engine. SEO (Search Engine Optimization), like it's name, can optimize your web pages to be search engine friendly. With some methods, SEO, can make your website placed on the top of search engine result.

Private Student Loans for Education Financial Problems

When students have a problem with finances while in college and graduate school, or harder to pay their everyday living expenses. For situations like these they need to get the help from education funding company. private student loans will be a good option to solve the problem. The student loans could provide the financing they need. There are a variety of student loan options available, but Selecting the good financial aid company sometimes can be hard. They must considering such as excellent low cost option for covering the funding gap and repaying student debt. and It must be have a good reputation. With a private student loans, students will get some feature benefits, they can borrow some money to fullfilll their needs such as tuition, room and board, books, and day-to-day living expenses.

Private student loans give an option to apply using a qualified co-applicant. Just use simple application wizard the students will get a preliminary approval in a few minutes, it's fast, easy and secure online application. There is no application fee and deadline. It means that the students can apply anytime. Students can get the money each year, in the middle of the term, or when they want it. The money will be sent directly to the borrower, not to the school. About repayment, the options are, how long the students have to repay, what happens if they have trouble making their payments. Private student loans available to undergraduate, graduate and continuing education students
What are you waiting for? Just apply online now.

There's Only One Job Title.

Written By Unknown on Saturday, 12 April 2008 | 00:33

Talking about craiglist's founder Craig Newmark, Robert Scoble gets it very wrong. He's not being self-deprecating, he's acknowledging that everybody is a "customer service rep". It's those people who don't realise this simple reality that cause all the problems.

Nudge, Nudge. Wink, Wink. Say No More. Please.

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, 9 April 2008 | 15:14

Humour can be a great route to engagement, but I thought we all knew from personal experience that if the joke has to be explained to you, then the impact is greatly diminished. It's either a bad joke or it's been badly told. Or both.

The parentheses above left me dumbfounded. Not only did it bring to mind memories of excrutiatingly unfunny speakers/party bores, it also managed to be sleazy rather than risque. If you're that unconfident about getting your idea across, tinkering at the edges will simply make things worse. Far better to go back to the drawing-board and craft it properly. If you have to explain it, rewrite it.

Cara Membuat Dropdown Menu

Apa sih dropdown menu itu?
Dropdown menu yang seperti ini itu lho :

Nha udah tahu kan? Dengan dropdown menu kita bisa mnghemat space/ruang di blog kita, karena dengan ukuran yang kecil seperti itu bisa menyimpan link dan text yang banyak. Itu bisa diisi dengan arsip, blogroll dll.
Gimana? Mau mencobanya?
Gini nih caranya :

Login ke blogger, trus masuk ke menu "Page Element" trus pilih Add page elements --> HTML/JavaScript. Kemudian masukkan script berikut ini di kocat "Content"

<select onChange="document.location.href=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">
<option value="0" selected>Arsip Blog</option>
<option value="Links 1">Text 1</option>
<option value="Links 2">Text 2</option>

Text yang berwarna merah adalah link. ganti text2 tersebut dengan link2 kamu.
Text yang berwarna biru adalah tulisan yang ditampilkan. Itu juga harus km ganti.

Contohnya seperti ini :

<select onChange="document.location.href=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">
<option value="0" selected>Arsip Blog</option>
<option value=""> Cara Membuat Menu Horizontal </option>
<option value=""> Cara Membuat Search Engine </option>

maka hasilnya akan seperti ini :

untuk menambahkan menu lagi, tambahkan kode seperti ini :

<option value="Links 2">Text 2</option>

sebelum kode </select>

Link dalam dropdown menu di atas jika di klik akan membuka link di halaman yang sama. Ini cocok untuk Arsip dan link-link yang masih berhubungan dengan blog tsb.

Ada satu tipe lagi yang jika diklik linknya maka akan membuka window baru tanpa menutup blog kamu. Yang ini cocok untu Blogroll atau Friend link.
Cara mambuatnya seperti diatas tapi ganti kode berikut

<select onChange="document.location.href=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">

ganti dengan kode ini :

<select onchange="[this.selectedIndex].value);">

hasilnya akan seperti ini :

Gimana? Bisa nggak?

Trik dan tips yang berhubungan :

The Streets Of London.

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, 8 April 2008 | 14:20

Two leading tech businesses.
Two flagship stores separated by the width of Regent Street.
Two retail experiences separated by a chasm.

This is the new Nokia store at 4 p.m. today. A stylish place but few customers, no buzz and inevitably bored staff. A sterile environment.

Literally across the street is the Apple store. A similar design aesthetic but, as ever, full of people either using it as an internet cafe or buying stuff from constantly engaged staff. An active environment.

The design and ethos of both stores urges you to interact with the products. Indeed, the Nokia store explicitly exhorts you to "discover" more about each phone. But clearly, there's a difference between the two.

Each phone says "No SIM card inserted". We all understand why and I'm not saying Nokia are doing anything wrong, it's just that the nature of their product hamstrings them when it comes to customer trial so they surely have to do something more to facilitate that discovery. Both companies have commendably strived to make these stores remarkable and they both are. But these are the very different impressions they leave.

The Nokia store is a gallery.
The Apple store is alive.
The Nokia store staff are tech sellers.
The Apple store staff are tech users.
The Nokia store is a place where you browse.
The Apple store is a place where you use.
The Nokia store is about surface.
The Apple store is about corporate DNA.

Cari Dollar Lewat Program Review

Written By Unknown on Monday, 7 April 2008 | 09:13

Selain adsense, masih ada beberapa program untuk mencari dollar lewat blog (paid blogging), salah satunya yaitu dengan program review. Sistem kerjanya yaitu kita mendaftarkan disalah satu layanan paid blogging kemudian setelah diterima baru kita bisa mendapatkan job. Jobnya yaitu berupa menuliskan artikel tentang suatu perusahaan atau website. jadi maksudnya kita memposting artikel diblog kita tentang suatu perusahaan/website yang telah ditentukan oleh program penyedia layanan tersebut.

Ada beberapa macam sistem kerja dari program review blog (paid blogging) ini. yang pertama yaitu kita bisa melakukan penawaran dari daftar job yang tersedia. Yang kedua yaitu kita hanya bisa menunggu datangnya job dari penyedia layanan tersebut. Bayaran dari program mereview blog ini lumayan lho, bisa nyampe ratusan dollar per review. Lumayan kan sambil mengisi postingan di blog kita trus kita malah dapet bayaran. Artikel yang ini juga termasuk dari program review tersebut lho. Jadi aku menulis artikel ini juga dapet bayaran, he..he..

Untuk lebih jelasnya BACA DISINI

How To Be Noticed.

Many marketers would have you believe that it's all about building a brand image by messaging and clever tactics, but really it's what you do that is much more important.

I've previously highlighted No Impact Man's decision "to live in the heart of New York City while causing no net environmental impact." It has gained a lot of mainstream publicity and media coverage for sure, but the family are not celebrities and are seen as just regular customers in their local coffee shop. Except that they're not.

The woman behind the counter said to Michelle, "I just want you to know that you and your husband really make me think. I've joined an environmental group because of you and this week we're starting to compost." This woman, by the way, doesn't know about the semi-famous No Impact project. She just sees Michelle and I coming in most days, refusing to use disposable products.

People don't need to know your whole carefully-crafted marketing story. If it's encapsulated in what you do, they'll get the message.

Addendum: Perhaps this is an example of behaviour as social object.

Order Flowers Online

Written By Unknown on Sunday, 6 April 2008 | 09:16

Looking for beautiful quality floral design? Now you can get some beautifull floral design without go out from your home if you have internet connection . Just sit on your seat and put your fingers on keyboard then find online florist on your browser computer. It's really simple, brows about the spesific kind of the flowers you want to order. By a few minutes of transaction then your order will soon be delivered to your place.

There many online florist shop all over the world. But you must be selective to choose an online florist. You must considering of good floral quality, How long it's delivery, and the most important is about it's online security transaction. It can be very frustating if you get a bad floral quality, and it will be more frustating if your order delivered to your place for a long time. If possible choose a company that capable for same day delivery.

You must to find an online florist that give you guarantees and secure online transaction. It will make you feel save to make a transaction. Without guarantees and secure online transaction it will be horrible. It's possible you will lose your money but what you get is nothing. And not only that, it's possible too that your credit card information will be collected to the wrong person. So , be carefull to choose an online florist. Try to find an online florist with agood reputation. If you have any problem, do not hesitate to contact them, By phone or via email.

Alternatif Tempat Hosting Gratis Dan Unlimited?

Written By Unknown on Saturday, 5 April 2008 | 06:16

Bagi kamu yang punya web/blog khususnya tentang download-download file seperti Mp3, Video, Ebook dan lain-lain, tentunya membutuhkan layanan hosting untuk menaruh file-file tersebut, dan pastinya pingin yang gratis kan? Nha untuk layanan yang gratis biasanya akan ada kendala2 yang dihadapi, Misalnya :
- Kapasitas penyimpanan yang terbatas.
- Batasan ukuran file yang kecil (biasanya maksimal 5MB).
- Batasan Traffic maksimum
- dll.

Nha sekarang ini ada sebuah layanan yang bisa mengatasi masalah2 tersebut dan tentunya dengan gratis, yaitu ziddu. Apa aja yang didapat dari ziddu tersebut?
- Kapasitas penyimpanan yang tak terbatas. (kamu bisa upload file km sebanyak-banyaknya).
- Batasan ukuran file yang lumayan besar (200 MB).
- Tanpa ada batasan traffic.
- Kamu akan dibayar jika ada yang mendownload file tersebut.
Untuk poin yang terakhir tentunya pada bingung, apa bener kita akan dibayar jika ada yang mendownload file-file kita tersebut? Sekali lagi aku jawab "BENER-BENER DIBAYAR", walaupun sedikit sih yaitu $0.001 per unik download, Tapi lumayan kan, udah gratis malah dibayar lagi. Ini juga bisa menjadi alternatif baru bagi yang pingin mendapatkan dollar lewat blog.
Gimana? Tertarik tidak? Kalo tertarik buruan DAFTAR DISINI.

Special Thanks to Mr. Ali.

Trik dan Tips Yang Berhubungan ;

Domain Dot Com Gratis

Written By Unknown on Friday, 4 April 2008 | 12:23

Mungkin in yang ditunggu-tunggu oleh para bloger maupun para insan yang bergentayangan didunia internet. Bagi kamu yang udah bosen memakai domain , yaitu kita bisa mendapatkan domain dot com ( secara geratis. Benarkah ini nyata? Benarkah domain dot com bener-bener gratis? kayaknya sih emang bener-bener nyata dan gratis, soalnya aku sendiri lom nyoba, tapi setelah aku survey di TKP, dan hasilnya... kalo menurutku sih masuk akal kalo ini bener-bener gratis.

Trus kenapa mereka mau membuatkan domain dot com buat kita? padahal kan domain dot com (top level domain) itu bukan jenis domain gratisan. Gini nih kalo menurut jawabanku, kenapa kita bisa mendapatkan domain dot com gratis karena mereka akan menempatkan iklan/banner di website kita, tapi jangan kuatir bannernya akan ditempatkan dibagian bawah dari web/blog kita. Nha bagaimana? kamu tertarik mau mencobanya? silahkan daftar disini : DOMAIN DOT COM GRATIS. Oh ya ku lupa, ada beberapa persyaratan lagi yang harus dipenuhi, gini nih beberapa persyaratanya :

1. Web/blog harus memiliki postingan minimal 15 perbulan, atau we/blog kamu memiliki pengunjung minimla 100/hari
2. Kamu harus memasang banner mereka di bagian bawah web/blog kamu.
3. Tidak boleh mengandung unsur pornografi.
4. dll

Intinya syaratnya seperti itu. Nah udha nggak sabar ingin mencobanya? silahkan DAFTAR DISINI

Job opportunity as a Pharmacy Technician

Pharmacy technician will soon be regulated profession which will yield added responsibilities, licencing, and new job opportunities. Graduates of the phrmacy technician can find work in commmunity/retail pharmacy, hospital, long-term care pharmacies, pharmaceutical manufacturers, third party insurance companies, government, teaching, etc. So, if you decided your carier as a pharmacy technician it's a good choice.

In hospital, pharmacy technicians generally oversee the operational management of the dispensary and manufacturing units, prescribed medication onto the patient's profile, prepares a 24-hour supply of medicine for each patient, etc. Job duties include providing medication and other health care products to patients. Median hourly earnings of pharmacy technician salary 2002 were $10.70. Depending on your work environment.

Real Difference?

Talking of different, I'm still bemused by Becks Vier and their "different by choice" campaign. They may well be, but the only objective attribute they mention is the 4% alcohol strength which, of course, is also enshrined in their name.

As a drinker of bottled Becks (5%), that strikes me as a claim to Vier being a weaker beer while the question of taste which is what they're really wanting to emphasise is lost in the shuffle. Yet again, we see how difficult it is to get two ideas across simultaneously.

Make Them Laugh, Make Them Cry.

Written By Unknown on Thursday, 3 April 2008 | 05:11

When David Ogilvy said "If you can't make a lady laugh, you certainly can't make her buy", I'm not sure this is what he had in mind.

But, amidst a sea of "Creating World Class Solutions" and "Your Growth Is Our Business" banners at the trade show that I briefly endured the other day, it was this one for a tiny accounting business that was catching a lot of eyes (and causing women to laugh) .

Now you can debate whether the impression it gives is the one you would want from your accountant, but that actually has more to do with you than them. Your worldview is beyond their control but, in a truly commoditised service business, they've shown themselves to be different and human.

Free Download Smile Emoticons

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, 2 April 2008 | 11:20

Flaky Thinking.

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, 1 April 2008 | 04:30

Only the crumbliest, flakiest chocolate
Tastes like chocolate you'd brush to the floor.

Joss Stone features in the latest version of the classic Flake ad. She's there no doubt to modernise the feel, but the women who brought it to my attention had noticed something else.

At the end of the piece, she brushes away the chocolate crumbs and with it all the sensuality. Because, as my friends said, they would never brush the chocolate away, they'd eat every piece flake by flake. Here it just ends up on the floor.

Along with its effectiveness.
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