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Pasang Iklan di Blog ini

Written By Unknown on Sunday, 31 August 2008 | 12:36

Kami memberi kesempatan bagi Anda untuk memasang iklan di blog ini dengan harga yang cukup terjangkau, yaitu:

1. Rp.60.000/Bulan untuk Iklan banner ukuran 125x125 pixel (Dipasang di sidebar).
Pasang Iklan

2. Rp.80.000/Bulan untuk iklan banner ukuran 420x70 pixel (Dipasang di Header).
Pasang Iklan

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Nike's Retail ID.

Written By Unknown on Thursday, 28 August 2008 | 15:46

This is the interior of Nike's 1948 pop-up store in London. It's one of five aroud the world that will exist for the next couple of months. Hidden away in a side street far from the regular retail haunts, it is fiendishly difficult to find and relies solely on word of mouth for traffic. So it's no surprise that it was empty when I arrived mid-afternoon on a weekday. There, however, the similarities with Nokia's flagship store ended.

Physically interesting, it's a mix of footwear gallery and specialist retailer, but the thing that really marked it out were the staff. All of them interested and interesting. Excited by the design and technology that surrounded them. Keen to inform, explain and opine.

I was sorry to have to leave. I will return. The whole thing made me think about Nike more than ever before and in different ways than perhaps was intended. But that's what retail spaces should do. Isn't it?

This Accident Blackspot Sponsored By.

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, 27 August 2008 | 08:01

Well, maybe it's obvious that the pole of a street lamp is just gold-plated attention-space that's crying out for some media.

But, having zoomed out, you can see why it struck me that that the locals must be pretty good drivers to be able to focus on the three lanes of traffic decelerating on the hill that leads to a major intersection at the centre of this town, absorb whatever message was placed there and avoid an accident. How long, I wonder, before some transgressor or victim sues the advertiser for distracting them while driving?

I can see the superficial appeal to insurers, garages and undertakers, but when assessing the location of one's promotion media, it's probably important to think about impact in terms of more than just effectiveness.

Web Hosting Reviews and Rating

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, 26 August 2008 | 08:11

There are some very important things that you need to make sure before you making a decision in choosing web hosting services. you need to carefully check all the options and compare all the advantages and disadvantages, then make the decision accordingly. You need to be assured of receiving the best possible service for your personal, professional or business needs. Regardless of what platform you choose to host on whether it’s Windows or Unix, it is important to find a host that can truly fulfill the requirements of your website. A good rule of thumb is to choose a provider that can accommodate the webmaster for personal, professional or business hosting needs. If you wrong choosing poor hosting service provider it can make you frustating and will be a nightmare. So you have to know much informations about web hosting. is a great place and very useful site for everyone who needs information about web hosting. You will find many web hosting tutorials and articles that can help you before choosing the most ideal web hosting for your need. is a one of the biggest web hosting directory featuring complete information on all web hosting providers, all their web hosting plans, promotional and discount coupons, and unedited reviews by real customers. You can find web hosting rating information. It's an independent customer rating of top 10 web hosting companies. It's host rating system is based on the customer satisfaction, affordability, reliability, uptime and techical support. Determine your needs and use the web hosting ratings to match your needs to the appropriate webhost company that meets them. also provide web hosting awards information based on some categories. It's excellent website for everyone who wants to find the best web hosting service, because they have provide many webhosting reviews from many web hosting service provider from all over the world. It's a good web hosting company information resource that can to help you determine the best match for your web hosting requirements. Use the web hosting reviews to gather important background information about the reputation and strengths of each web host company. Whether you need small business web hosting, personal web hosting, web album web hosting, or online storage, these webhosting companies have proven reliability.

Cool Britannia?

Written By Unknown on Monday, 25 August 2008 | 02:21

A media guide accompanied London's eight minute presentation that took place during Beijing's closing ceremony. It apparently declared that one intention was to show that London is “the coolest place on the planet”.

As one commentater observed, the mere act of claiming to be cool is an infallible indication that you are not. Marketers should remember that and also be aware that this applies to all adjectives, not just being cool.

Download a Powerful Multimedia Software

Written By Unknown on Saturday, 23 August 2008 | 12:15

Do you want to get a Powerfull Multimedia Software? Blaze Media Pro is the solution. It is powerful all-in-one software that includes an audio converter (MP3, WMA, WAV, OGG, etc.), MP3 encoder and MP3 decoder, MP3 ripper, MPEG encoder and MPEG decoder, video converter (AVI, MPEG, WMV, etc.), audio editor, video editor, CD/DVD burner, and much more in a single software application.
Blaze Media Pro's unique Media Manager makes it easy to work with all your audio and video creations - playback at your fingertips. Even rename, copy, move, or tag files instantly. You can convert DVD to AVI, MPG, WMV with this software. You also don't need another CD burning software and DVD burning software anymore, because you will get it all in one software. You can download the powerfull software HERE and then you can try it.

Presentation Hell.

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, 20 August 2008 | 14:13

Geeks can create great things - like the Minority Report style touch-screen system from which the application above was derived. But, so often they seem to have problems when they try to suggest a commercial use for it because they focus on what can be done rather than what people would want to do with it. I said this in Geek Marketing 101 over two years ago but it seems these guys weren't listening.

Every presentation expert and bored-rigid audience member could tell them that the last thing anyone needs is a tool that encourages data-filled powerpoint slides. But that's what we have here and, worse still, they don't even make the effort to show a real presentation. Instead they choose to align their product with bad presentations.

Yet, the visceral reaction one has to the original technology is one of marvel and joy. That's what's so great about it and that's what should be the focus of any commercial exploitation of it. It shouldn't be about the technology and it's amazing that such brilliant people can't see that. Or realise that they have incredibly boring voices.

Setting Domain dan Hosting Untuk Wordpress

Written By Unknown on Monday, 18 August 2008 | 10:57

Sekali-kali buat tutorial untuk wordpress ah, :D
Edisi perdana tutorial wordpress kali ini akan aku coba jelaskan tentang bagaimana cara setting domain dan hosting untuk wordpress. Untuk domain bisa menggunakan sub domain atau bisa menggunakan domain gratis dari atau bisa juga beli domain murah di Sedangkan untuk hostingnya bisa menggunakan hosting gratisan dari 000webhost atau bisa juga membeli hosting murah dari
Ok mari kita mulai saja tutorialnya.

Kita harus memiliki domain terlebih dahulu. Kemudian mengarahkan domain kita ke hosting yg kita pilih. Caranya yaitu dengan mengganti name server domain kita. Bagi yang memakai hosting dari 000webhost biasanya name servernya adalah dan sedangkan bagi yang menggunakan hosting dari maka name servernya adalah dan

1. Masuk ke cpanel Hostingmu lalu cari dan pilih icon fantastico

kalo di 000webhost iconnya ini
2. Setelah itu pilih "wordpress" dan lalu "new installation"

3. Kemudian isikan data-data pada form yg muncul. Kosongkan kolom "Install in directory" jika pingin install wordpress di domain pokok.

4. Kemudian klik tombol "Install Wordpress". Tunggu sebentar kemudian klik tombol "Finish Installation".
5. Untuk untuk masuk ke administrator wordpressnya biasanya melalui URL DIsitu km bisa posting2 dan macem.

OK jadi deh wordpressnya. Oh ya, kalo pake hosting sendiri kita bisa ngedit2 template wordpressnya lho.
Selamat Mencoba....

Marketing Or Misrepresentation?

Yahoo's home-page chooses to list Olympic nation in terms of total medals won where everywhere else has given priority to gold medals. So, to this point, China lies ahead of the USA. Except in Yahooland.

If your argument isn't totally convincing, should you still make it? Or should you assume that you will be found out?

Nokia Store Update.

Written By Unknown on Thursday, 14 August 2008 | 16:25

At 5 p.m. today, Regent Street was busy as one would expect on a sunny summer afternoon.

However, this blog's favourite flagship store remains iconoclastically immune to the hustle and bustle of central London commerce.

Though I notice they've moved the staff closer to the door.

UGC - The Ring Of Confidence.

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, 13 August 2008 | 05:48

John Jantsch highlighted this interesting use of user-generated content to create DIY placards for a political campaign. Even more interesting to me was the questioning about loss of control that appeared in the comments.

You can control what you choose to say. You can control where and how you choose to say it. But you cannot control what individual people think. Even if the political campaign did not supply a voter with a placard to fill in, that voter would still be thinking about the candidate in exactly the same terms as they would have written on the placard.

So what are the ramifications of this "loss of control" (more accurately the risk that people might say bad things about your product, service or candidate)? Well, if people have justifiable criticisms, then you're getting great feedback which you better act upon and if people say something that's unjustified, then those who disagree with them will know that to be the case and will probably offer their counter-opinions just as vociferously.

If you're worried about loss of control, you're in denial about the reality of twenty-first century communications, human nature and decision-making. More alarmingly, you're actually worried that your product, service or candidate isn't very good and that nobody will sing your praises.

Promote Behaviour, Not Your Brand.

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, 12 August 2008 | 15:49

Kellogg's are using an Olympic gold medallist to front a new campaign. The television spot (which I can't yet find online!) is topped and tailed with pack-shots and name-checks, but the underlying theme is the promotion of breakfast as a performance-enhancer in all walks of life.

A great philosophy with which to associate themeselves, but they had to contaminate it. Wouldn't it have been braver and smarter just to run spots that weren't product advertising? Infomercials, if you will, that focussed solely on the behaviour and made no reference to Kellogg's.

1) The absence of branding would differentiate the approach. It would label it as authentic information, rather than the latest creative execution. It would be less likely to be dismissed as just another ad.

2) The initiative could still be linked to Kellogg's at point of purchase via special packs and promotion and elsewhere by the myriad elements of a multimedia campaign (as, of course, they are doing).

3) While I don't think the tactic requires market strength to succeed, they're already market leader. That means they're most likely to garner the greatest share of the benefit of any resultant increase in breakfasting.

Promoting the brand is focussing on the competition.
Promoting the behaviour is focussing on the customers.
Promote the brand and you may pick up share of the existing market.
Promote the behaviour and who knows what you might achieve.

Don't Move To Jersey.

Written By Unknown on Sunday, 10 August 2008 | 13:00

Steve Stoute is a former record executive who uses hiphop artists to connect products/services with a generation lost to traditional advertising, albeit by putting them in traditional advertising as far as I can see.

But when asked in a recent interview about how you stay in touch with a younger generation, he jokingly replied "Don't move to Jersey."

Many a true word spoken in jest.

When Customers Outgrow Your Market.

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, 6 August 2008 | 09:01

It's every marketer's dream to educate a new audience and create a category. Starbucks did just that - they introduced a new vocabulary of lattes, mochas and cappuccinos to the world.

But marketers must never forget that education is a continuum. That audience now knows all about lattes, mochas and cappuccinos. They know the difference between a good one and an average one. And that's one reason why Starbucks just posted its first quarterly loss.

Consistency is good. Consistently improving is essential.

Menampilkan Recent Comments (Komentar Terbaru)

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, 5 August 2008 | 12:32

Menampilkan recent comments atau komentar terbaru fungsinya adalah supaya kita bisa dengan mudah mengetahui siapa yang baru saja memberikan komentar pada blog kita dan di postingan mana mereka berkomentar. Recent Comments ini bisa kita pasang di halaman utama blog kita.
Beginilah cara membuat Recent Comments (Komentar Terbaru):

1. Login ke blogger lalu pilih menu "Layout"
2. Kemudian copy script berikut ini :

<script style="text/javascript" src=""></script>
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var numcomments = 8;
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- Angka 8 merupakan jumlah komentar yang mau ditampilkan.
- Ganti dengan nama blogmu.

3. Untuk menampilkanya di sidebar maka pilih "Add a Gadget --> HTML/Javascript" Lalu masukkan script diatas kedalam kotak yg disediakan.

Coba dilihat blogmu, langsung jadi deh. Oh ya recent comments ini bisa juga dipasang didalam "Tab View" seperti punyaku itu.

Garbage In. Garbage Out.

A New York Times article that compiled a number of recent advertising stunts also cited one of the most mind-boggling tactical rationales I've ever read.

"The fact that the core idea is quite subtle in nature means the campaign appeals to the target audience in a non-conventional way."

No, I didn't buy it either. But to be sure, I sought the expurgated opinion of a Singapore-based expert Robert Campbell - a man who knows a lot about bad advertising. His response nailed it as usual.

So it appeals because it's not an ad? Genius. When will they learn the youth aren't upset by ads - they're the most ad and communication literate generation in the World - they just hate when they're lied/patronised to.

Advertising/promotion is just one of the Ps and if you can't justify it in terms that you would use to justify any of the other Ps, then it seems to me that you should be rethinking whether it's justifiable at all.

Exploring Your World.

Written By Unknown on Monday, 4 August 2008 | 09:24

When you "research" your marketplace/industry, you could do worse than to follow these rules. Found at getshouty.
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