Samsung mobiles launched 4 more smartphones under its Galaxy series. These new smartphones from Samsung are expected to target emerging markets and to compete with its rival Apple Inc I-phone4 low budget phone. The price of these smartphones will be around 200$ and low end smartphone price will be lesser than 200$.
Let us have a look on the new phone and its expected specifications.
1.Samsung Galaxy W
Specifications of Samsung Galaxy W:
Let us have a look on the new phone and its expected specifications.
1.Samsung Galaxy W
Specifications of Samsung Galaxy W:
- Form type: Candy Bar
- OS: Android 2.3 Gingerbread.
- Processor:1.4 GHz
- 3.7 inch WVGA TFT LCD display with resolution 800*480
- Supports HSDPA speed upto 14.4Mbps
- Rear Camera: 5MP
- Bluetooth: Ver.2.1
- WiFi: 802.1.1b/g/n
- Battery: 1500mAh
2. Samsung Galaxy M Pro :
Specifications of Samsung Galaxy M Pro
- Form: QWERTY smartphone
- OS: Android 2.3 Gingerb
- Display: 2.66 inch WVGA display with 480*320 pixel resolution
- Processor: 1Ghz
- Rear Camera: 5MP
- Front camera:VGA
- Bluetooth: Ver.3.0
- WiFi: 802.1.1b/g/n
- Battery: 1350 mAh
3. Samsung Galaxy Y an entry level smartphone :
Specifications of Samsung Galaxy Y:
- Form type: Candy Bar
- OS: Android 2.3 Gingerbread.
- Processor:832 MHz
- 3 inch WVGA TFT LCD display with resolution 320*240
- Supports HSDPA speed upto 7.2Mbps
- Rear Camera: 2MP
- Bluetooth: Ver.3
- WiFi: 802.1.1b/g/n
- Battery: 1200mAh
4. Samsung Galaxy Y Pro:
Samsung Galaxy Y Pro Specifications:
- Form type: Portrait; QWERTY
- OS: Android 2.3 Gingerbread.
- 2.6 inch WVGA TFT LCD display
- Supports HSDPA speed upto 7.2Mbps
- Rear Camera: 2MP
- Bluetooth: Ver.3
- WiFi: 802.1.1b/g/n
- Battery: 1200mAh
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