Written By Unknown on Friday, 27 July 2012 | 22:08

The Uniscan is a Web vulnerability scanner, aimed at information security, which aims at finding vulnerabilities in Web systems and is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE 3.0 (GPL 3).

Uniscan characteristics -
Identification of system pages through a Web Crawler.
Use of threads in the crawler.
Control the maximum number of requests the crawler.
Control of variation of system pages identified by Web Crawler.
Control of file extensions that are ignored.
Test of pages found via the GET method.
Test the forms found via the POST method.
Support for SSL requests (HTTPS).
Proxy support.
Generate site list using Google.
Generate site list using Bing.
Plug-in support for Crawler.
Plug-in support for dynamic tests.
Plug-in support for static tests.
Plug-in support for stress tests.

The uniscan must be run from the command line. Example: perl uniscan.pl -u http://www.example.com/ -d

Other options:
-h help
-u example: https://www.example.com/
-f list of url's
-b Uniscan go to background
-q Enable Directory checks
-w Enable File checks
-e Enable robots.txt check
-d Enable Dynamic checks
-s Enable Static checks
-r Enable Stress checks
-i Bing search
-o Google search

changelog Uniscan V6.1 :
- Added -w 4 on ping command of Server information module.
- Small bugfix on crawler.
- Bugfix on SQL injection plugin.
- Bugfix on Blind SQL injection plugin.
- Added a new test on Blind SQL injecion plugin.
- Added option to show crawling ignored files.
- Removed fews extensions of “find Backup files” plugin.
- Added option to write all requests done by uniscan on requests.txt.
- Improved FCKeditor plugin.
- Improved checkBackup plugin.
- Added new plugin for crawler: timthumb vulnerability.
- Added new plugin for dynamic tests: timthumb vulnerability.
- Removed a bug that crashed the threads.

Platform : Unix/Linux
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