GNS3 WorkBench is a VMware image ofUbuntu with GNS3 and VPCS installed and a collection of exercises/labs.Just add VMware and a Cisco IOS for an instant GNS3 WorkBench environment
Lean more about GNS3 at
You can download VMware Player at 20012-02-06: I’ve had a report that VMware Player v4.02 is incompatible – I have verified that v4.01 works on a 32 bit machine – anyone who can confirm/rebuke this please add a comment – CW)
Download GNS3 WorkBench – from The latest version is version 5.8, uploaded on 2012-05-01 and includes Ubuntu 10.10, GNS3 v0.8.2 and VPCs v0.3
How to Install GNS3 WorkBench
How to use GNS3 WorkBench Exercises
How to use GNS3 WorkBench Labs
Video Tutorials
Download GNS3 (773.7 MB)
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Procedure -
Step 1. Create a folder on your harddrive called GNS3 WorkBench 5.8 Step 2. Copy all the zip files into that folder. You should have 6 zip files: GNS3 GNS3 GNS3 GNS3 GNS3 GNS3 Step 3. Uncompress each file into the same folder. You should finish with 13 additional files: GNS3 WorkBench v5.8.txt GNS3 WorkBench-f001.vmdk GNS3 WorkBench-f002.vmdk GNS3 WorkBench-f003.vmdk GNS3 WorkBench-f004.vmdk GNS3 WorkBench-f005.vmdk GNS3 WorkBench.vmdk GNS3 WorkBench.vmsd GNS3 WorkBench.vmx GNS3 WorkBench.vmxf gns3logo.WB.trans.png Username is user, password is password.txt Step 4. (optional) Remove the .zip files Step 5. Read the README.txt file
* GNS3 WorkBench - a VMware image of Ubuntu with GNS3 and VPCS installed *
* and a collection of exercises/labs *
* Just add VMware and a Cisco IOS for an instant GNS3 WorkBench environment *
* *
* Lean more about GNS3 at *
* Lean more about GNS3 WorkBench at *
Part 1: Before you use this disk...
* This program requires VMware to be installed on your host computer
Go to and get a copy of Vmware Player for Windows (free)
or Vmware Fusion for Macintosh (not free)
* This program requires a copy of a Cisco IOS image - preferably
Part 2: Now that you have VMware installed and an IOS image ready...
* Copy the "GNS3 WorkBench 5.x" folder to your hard drive - into a folder
called "Virtual Machines" is a good place. There would have been such a
folder created when you installed VMware Player/Fusion:
Windows XP - My documents/Virtual Machines/
Windows 7/Vista <username>/Documents/Virtual Machines/
Macintosh OS X ~/Documents/Virtual Machines/
Part 3: First run...
* From that folder, open the .vmx file (double click - or open from VMWare)
* When asked "Did you move this virtual machine...", answer "I copied it"
* When the VM opens - maximise the VM to the full screen (you may have to
maximise/shrink/maximise to get it to work)
Part 4: My VM is running, now what????
Before you can enjoy using GNS3, you have to get your IOS image copied to the
virtual machine, and uncompress it.
* Note the directory on your host machine where you have stored the IOS image
* With your Virtual Machine running, choose the appropriate steps below
according to the version of VMware you are running:
- VMWare Player: (Note, you may have to move your mouse to the very top
and centre or your screen to see the menu)
. click VMware Player->Shared Folders
. enable shared folders and
. share the folder where you have stored the IOS image
- VM Fusion (Mac): (Note, you may have to move your mouse to the very top
and centre or your screen to see the menu)
. click Virtual Machine->Shared Folders->Turn Shared Folders On
. click Virtual Machine->Shared Folders->Add Shared Folder
. share the folder where you have stored the IOS image
* Now from within the Ubuntu environment on the Virtual Machine:
* Open the desktop folder "READMEs and scripts" to open a browser window.
- Click on the "Network" Icon in the "Places" list (on the
left panel)
. you should be able to find & navigate to your host machine's
shared folder
. copy the IOS image to Ubuntu's /opt/GNS3/IOS directory
* Bring up a command window - Click Applications->Konsole should do it
- enter the following commands
cd /opt/GNS3/IOS
ls -lh ;#to check your IOS image is indeed there
ls -lh ;#to check your uncompressed IOS image was created
rm NAME_OF_YOUR_IOS_IMAGE.bin ;#to remove the original
If your IOS image is the recommended c3725-adventerprisek9-mz.124-15.T10.bin
image for a C3725, then you are ready to:
* Explore the pre-configured exercises from the desktop or open the folder
"GNS Files - More exercises here" to explore
* Read the Readme files within the GNS3 WorkBench environment
* If your PC seems to be running at a high CPU rate, read Part 5.
* Enjoy
Part 5: I don't have the recommended C3725 image, but have another c3725 image
or and image for a 2600 or 2691
* Copy the image to the /opt/GNS3/IOS directory and uncompress it as
described above in Part 4
* Configure GNS3 to use this image for this model router
(Click Edit->IOS images and hypervisors: add the Image file & Model)
* Find a good idlepc value for this router/image. Read The document:
/opt/GNS3/READMEs & Scripts/GNS3-0.5-tutorial.pdf to find how to
get a good idlepc value
* Write down the good idlepc value you found
* make a backup copy of the /opt/GNS3/Project directory
* run the script /opt/GNS3/IOS/script to change firmware image
Chris Welsh
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