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netool.sh {bash script} V1.7 released

Written By Unknown on Monday, 22 October 2012 | 06:38

Netool.sh is a script in bash to automate some frameworks like
nmap and ettercap,this script makes it easy tasks such as sniffing,
MITM and DoS attacks inside the local network and can also perform
TCP/UDP packets manipulation using etter.filters ...

Operative Systems Suported: Linux, BSD, mac osx

Features -

0.Ping remote target or web domain
1.Show Local Connections (my pc active connections)
2.Show my ip address and arp cache
3.Scan Local network (search for live hosts inside local network)
4.Scan remote host (using nmap to scan hosts)
5.execute a Nmap command (direct from script shell)
6.Open router config page
7.Ip tracer whois (link to whois website)
8.WebCrawler (link to websecurify online-scanner)
9.DDoS java Script (link to a webpage in java)
10.fingerprint a host or a webdomain
11.Sniff remote host (using ettercap MITM poison)
12.show URLs visited (target URLs visited in the browser)
13.edit etter.conf (edit ettercap configuration file)
14.edit etter.dns (edit ettercap DNS configuration file)
15.DoS attack [local network] (perform a DoS attack to a target inside local network)
16.Compile etter.filters (edit and compile ettercap TCP/UDP filters)
17.execute ettercap filter
18.ports assigned IANA (show ports assign IANA)

Download netool.tar.gz (607.0 kB)


zenmap (nmap-gui)
install using terminal

sudo apt-get install nmap
sudo apt-get install zenmap

sudo apt-get install ettercap
sudo apt-get install ettercap-gtk
install and run netool.sh

copy the script to a random folder
open terminal and write
chmod 755 netool.sh
sudo netool.sh

config netool.sh

edit netool.sh script and look for the rigth path were frameworks
are installed then replace the paths for the rigth ones...
(open terminal and write "locate zenmap" copy path and replace in script)
Path to instalations

(you are going to replace the paths for the rigth ones)


xdg-open ERROR {open web-browser}

we have to replace this cod in the script too,
{remenber to search for all "xdg-open" in the script}

xdg-open "http://example.com" by this
"open http://example.com/"

Source -

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Screenshot -

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