Home » » NOWASP v2.3.8 (KY ISSA Conference Version)

NOWASP v2.3.8 (KY ISSA Conference Version)

Written By Unknown on Friday, 19 October 2012 | 07:12

Official Change Log for NOWASP 2.3.8 (KY ISSA Conference Version):

  • Added JavaScript validation to the user-info.php page. This validation is activated in security level 1 and security level 5. The user can bypass in various ways including proxy and disabling JS.
  • Added the page visited to the logging script that logs when a user visits each page. This makes the logs more realistic.
  • Added the various commands needed when performing command injection to open up telnet on a Windows XP host. This applies to command injection performed on the "DNS Lookup" page. The file with the example commands is located in /documentation/mutillidae-test-scripts.txt
  • Added the various commands needed when performing command injection to open up Windows Remote Desktop Connection (Windows Terminal Services) on a Windows XP SP3 host. This applies to command injection performed on the "DNS Lookup" page. The file with the example commands is located in /documentation/mutillidae-test-scripts.txt
  • Since the "CurrentBrowser" attribute is not well-supported in browsers, the html-5 web storage page will now set an attribute called AuthorizationLevel to act as a target
  • Refactored the pen test tools lookup page
  • Add new page for attacking AJAX called pen-test-lookup-tool-ajax.php The page makes AJAX requests to fetch information about the tool selected. This allows the user to attempt to hack an AJAX driven request which fetches JSON data.
  • Added user-info.php page to the "JavaScript Security" menu
  • Added new menu for HTML-5/AJAX/JSON related pages and content
  • Added hint about mutiilidae test scripts file to the home page
  • Improved the log file functionality so that if the page variable is blank such as in an AJAX request, the page will be fetched from the super global variables.
NOWASP (Mutillidae) is a free, open source web application provided to allow security enthusiest to pen-test a web application. NOWASP (Mutillidae) can be installed on Linux, Windows XP, and Windows 7 using XAMMP making it easy for users who do not want to administrate a webserver. It is already installed on Samurai WTF and Rapid7 Metasploitable-2. The existing version can be updated on either. NOWASP (Mutillidae) contains dozens of vulns and hints to help the user; providing an easy-to-use web hacking environment deliberately designed to be used as a lab for security enthusiast, classrooms, labs, and vulnerability assessment tool targets. Mutillidae has been used in graduate security courses, in corporate web sec training courses, and as an "assess the assessor" target for vulnerability assessment software.

NOWASP (Mutillidae) has been tested/attacked with Cenzic Hailstorm ARC, W3AF, SQLMAP, Samurai WTF, Backtrack, HP Web Inspect, Burp-Suite, NetSparker Community Edition, and oth

Features :
  1. Mutillidae can be installed on Linux, Windows XP, and Windows 7 using XAMMP making it easy for users who do not want to install or administrate their own webserver.
  2. Installs easily by dropping project files into the "htdocs" folder of XAMPP.
  3. Preinstalled on Rapid7 Metasploitable 2
  4. Preinstalled on Samurai Web Testing Framework (WTF)
  5. Has dozen of vulnerablities and challenges. Contains at least one vulnearbility for each of the OWASP Top Ten 2007 and 2010
  6. System can be restored to default with single-click of "Setup" button
  7. Switches between secure and insecure mode
  8. Secure and insecure source code for each page stored in the same PHP file for easy comparison
  9. Used in graduate security courses, in corporate web sec training courses, and as an "assess the assessor" target for vulnerability software
  10. Contains 2 levels of hints to help users get started
  11. Instructional Videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/webpwnized
  12. Updates tweeted to @webpwnized
  13. Mutillidae has been tested/attacked with Cenzic Hailstorm ARC, W3AF, SQLMAP, Samurai WTF, Backtrack, HP Web Inspect, Burp-Suite, NetSparker Community Edition, and other tools
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