Know What You're Marketing.
Know What You're Marketing.
Written By Unknown on Monday, 5 November 2012 | 03:43
Andrew Grill (CEO of Kred) is a good guy and he's got a lot of coverage recently for his posts that detail his failure to connect to the brand new 4G service launched by EE. While he makes some good points, I fundamentally disagree with his assertion that marketing did their job.
No, marketing absolutely did not do their job. They didn't do job number 1. They didn't ensure that what they were promoting aligned with the reality of the product/service and not some fatuous ideal.
Under-promise and over-deliver are the watchwords. More than that, given the vagaries of technology, they should have insisted on a soft launch, ensured that customers were delighted rather than disappointed and followed up with marketing that promoted that satisfaction.
As for his assertion, that EE would have saved themselves £260k if they'd realised he was a social influencer, well the less said about that the better.
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