List :
1. GMail brute
2. BtTel Telnet BruteForce
3. BruteMSN
4. BruteFTP brftp by
5. PHP-Shells finder
6. VNC Vuln Scanner
7. JoMo-Kun Parallel NMAP Scanner
8. DMZScan - Simple Connect Port Scanner using PERL
9. R-Trojan Scanner 1.0
10. Database extractor
11. Nepokatneza GUI Edition 1.6
12. Directory spider
13. B0ffuzzer v1.0
15. Milw0rm New Exploits Checker
16. FTP scanner by softxor
17. PHP Injection Scanner
18. SatanBot
19. MassDefacer
20. Email Extractor
21. Crypt This Shit
22. netBRUTE
23. Email grabber
24. MD5 Lookup
25. Google dorkizzler
26. Simple phpBB version checker
27. Simple IRC Bot.
28. PHP injection scanner
29. A utility to parse the BIOS PCI IRQ Routing Table
30. MSSQL Record Dumper 0.1.1 Alpha
31. Stealth ShellBot Vers?o 0.2
32. Web Clickers
33. Windows / Linux mass defacer script
34. LogCleaner (beta)
35. All In One Exploit
36. MD5 Bruteforce
37. Site Lister
38. Simple mail grabber
39. ARP dos, makes the target windows pc unusable for the duration of the attack
40. DNS Scanner
41. Creates a wordlist for brute forcing.
42. Decrypt DES with a wordlist
43. Denial of Service script
44. Leech imageshack images
45. MD5 cracker uses wordlist
46. Checks http server given site is running
47. Very small port scanner
48. Enumerates directorys / users on a webserver.
49. Simple Shellcode Generator
50. TCP/UDP Flooder
51. BR00TALL - Password Hash Brute-Forcer
52. Proxy Scanner
53. ConnectBackShell
54. Skype Bruteforcer
55. Force & fast check ports
56. bluetooth hacking tool
57. SQL insertion crawler
58. binary scanner
59. POP3 Crack (bruteforce)
60. openpgp vanity key generator
61. MD5 Hash Bruteforce Kit
62. Brute force for Oracle databases.
63. MD5 cracker irc-bot
64. Freewebs Shout box flooder
65. Distributed reflection denial of service program
66. shellcode generator
67. General RFI Scanner
68. MD5 Hash matcher
69. Perl ebay login
7o. Bind Port
71. Another Irc-bot
72. Scanner for eNdonesia 8.4 Multiple Vulner
73. gQuery Script (Command-Line Google Query Script)
74. simple milw0rm rss news graber
75. Google Search Tool
76. HTTP-GET Request Generator
77. Random Password Generator
78. Flexible Random Password Generation
79. AIM grabs a users online status
80. Simple Webserver Scanner
81. Botsniffer
82. Reverse IP script.
83. Cpanel Brute forcer
84. Extracts and cracks hashes of a given MySQL dump of a vBulletin board
85. VulnScan v9
86. IRC Spam bot
87. Simple IP 2 Hex script
88. perl proxy list checker
89. PerlBot
90. A simple irc bot
91. Perl direct SOCKS server's list checker
92. Perl/Tk TCP Port Scanner
93. simple irc bot for the remote control of Windows based systems
94. Script uses smbclient to fetch files from win null shares.
95. A simple proxy checker
96. Perl Connect Back Backdoor
97. log eraser MSRLE v0.1
98. CPanel exploit checker
99. Scan a host for rfi vulnz
100. Banner Grabber(mass hosts)
101. cold fusion/ws_ftp.ini password decryption/encryption
102. ConnectBack Backdoor Shell vs 1.0
103. Dictionary Maker
104. CGI scanner
105. connect and send commands to remote iport. the tor network is used for anonymity.
106. port scanner sweeper.
107. rfi scaner. Includes ddb grabber, rfi expl0iter, error_reporting(0) bypass.
108. Log all IP's of visiors
109. Directory revealer
110. IIS Scanner 2012
111. UDP Flooder
112. MD5 Cracker
113. MD5::Reverse
114. wordlist tool by mousepad
credit : Balraj Narendra (ICP)
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