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Written By Unknown on Thursday, 18 July 2013 | 03:43

Klien kami Bank Swasta terkemuka berlokasi di kawasan Jakarta – Serpong – Bogor, membutuhkan tenaga muda profesional berkualitas sebagai :

Jakarta - Serpong - Bogor

  • Memberikan informasi dan layanan via fitur telepon
  • Menganalisa masalah pelanggan dan solusinya
  • Service Excelent 
  • Pria/Wanita
  • Usia max 30 tahun
  • Pendidikan D3/S1 dari semua jurusan, IPK min. 2.75
  • Bersedia kerja shifting  
  • Bahasa Inggris Aktif/Pasif
  • Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang  baik 
  • Customer Service Oriented
  • Penampilan  Menarik dan Rapi
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di Area Jakarta - Serpong - Bogor

Datang dan  WAWANCARA LANGSUNG pada:

Hari :  Senin – Jumat
Tanggal 18 Juli – 2 Agustus 2013
Waktu    :  08.00 - 14.00  WIB ( Setiap hari kerja)
Tempat  :  Gedung The East Lt.15 
        Jl. Dr. Ide Anak Agung Gde Agung Kav.E3.2 No.1 
      Kawasan Mega Kuningan, Jakarta 12950
Harap membawa CV lengkap dengan fotocopy KTP, ijazah, transkrip nilai,
Pas photo ukuran 4 x 6 (warna)

Bagi yang berhalangan hadir dapat mengirimkan CV  lengkap melalui
email kami :

Situs :


Written By Unknown on Sunday, 14 July 2013 | 21:48


PT. MITRACOMM EKASARANA yang berlokasi di daerah KUNINGAN - JAKSEL mencari kandidat utk diposisikan sebagai :


Jobdesk :

Melakukan perekrutan tenaga kerja dari berbagai sumber, walk in, jobfair, data base, brosur dan berbagai sumber data lainnya.

Persyaratan  :
  • Pria  max.27 th 
  • Single / Married
  • Min. S1 Psikologi/Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia
  • Ipk Min. 2.75
  • Pengalaman min. 1th dibidang RECRUITMENT & SOURCHING (diutamakan dari perusahaan outsourching )
  • Komunikatif, Kreatif, Inisiatif dan Tanggung Jawab
  • Menguasai alat tes psikologi dengan kemampuan analisa dengan baik
  • Terbiasa melakukan Wawancara 
  • Bahasa Inggirs Aktif
  • Mempunyai kendaraan pribadi *Motor  (lebih diutamakan) dan SIM C

Jika anda termasuk dlm kriteria KHUSUS diatas, 
maka anda memiliki kesempatan utk interview ke alamat : 

Gedung The East Lt. 15
Jln. Lingkar Mega Kuningan Kav E3.2 No. 1, 
Kawasan Mega Kuningan
Jakarta Selatan 12950

(10 Juli 2013 s.d 31 Juli 2013)
Pukul : 09.00 - 14.00 Wib.

Bagi yg berhalangan hadir dpt kirimkan CV Via email ke :

Cantumkan Subject Email : 

Memimpikan Sesuatu Tidak Pernah Salah, namun Tidak Melakukan Apapun Untuk Mimpi Tersebut Itulah yang Disebut Salah..!!

 .y_ (^_^)_J


Written By Unknown on Friday, 12 July 2013 | 03:09

PT. MITRACOMM EKASARANA Perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang Bussiness Process Solution bekerjasama dengan perusahaan Televisi Swasta membutuhkan kandidat Professional untuk ditempatkan sebagai :

  1. SPV Call Center (SPV-CC)
Persyaratan  :
P/W, Max. 35th, Single/Married, D3/S1 Semua jurusan, IPK min. 2.75, Komunikasi Lancar, Inggris Aktif/Min. Pasif, Customer Service & Target Oriented, memiliki pengalaman sbg SPV Call Center min. selama 2 Tahun.

  1. Team Leader (TL)
Persyaratan  :
P/W, Max. 35th, Single/Married, D3/S1 Semua jurusan, IPK min. 2.75, Siap Shifting, Komunikasi Lancar, Inggris Aktif, Customer Oriented, memiliki pengalaman sbg Team Leader min. selama 1 Tahun

  1. QA/Trainer (QA/TR)
Persyaratan  :
P/W, Max. 25th, Lulusan D3/S1 , Komunikasi Lancar , Bhs. Inggris Aktif, Pengalaman Call Center, Penampilan Menarik, wawasan luas, memiliki basic sebagai Quality Agent/Trainer di Call Center min. 1 Tahun.

Fungsi Kerja  OFFICER :

  1. SPV : Leading, Manage, Controlling Ops. Call Center
  2. TL : Membantu Fungsi Kerja SPV (Leading – Manage)
  3. QA/TR : Monitoring, Update Product Knowledge, dll


Harap membawa Lamaran + CV lengkap dengan fotocopy KTP,  ijazah, transkrip nilai,  Pas photo ukuran 4 x 6 (warna) 1 lbr

Senin – Jum’at  (01 – 31 Juli 2013)
Waktu  : 09.00 - 14.00  WIB
Tempat  : Gd. THE East Lt .15
Jl. Lingkar Mega Kuningan Kav. E 3.2 No 1
Jakarta Selatan 12950
Telp Informasi : 021-5789 4808

Dapat juga mengirimkan CV  lengkap melalui email :

Cantumkan Kode Posisi di Subject Email :



Written By Unknown on Tuesday, 9 July 2013 | 21:41



PT. MITRACOMM EKASARANA Perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang Bussiness Process Solution membutuhkan kandidat Professional untuk ditempatkan sebagai :


Persyaratan  :
P/W, Max. 30th, Single/Married, D3/S1 Semua jurusan, IPK min. 2.75, Siap Shifting, Komunikasi Lancar, Inggris Aktif/Min. Pasif, Customer Service & Target Oriented, memiliki pengetahuan dasar tentang Perbankan (Tabungan & Pinjaman)


Persyaratan  :
P/W, Max. 30th, Single/Married, D3/S1 Semua jurusan, IPK min. 2.75, Siap Shifting, Komunikasi Lancar, Inggris Aktif/Min. Pasif, Customer Oriented, memiliki pengetahuan dasar tentang Airplane, Nutrisi, Provider, TV Cable, dsb.


Persyaratan  :
P/W, Max. 30th, Lulusan SMU, Komunikasi Lancar , Bhs. Inggris Aktif/Min. Pasif, Target Oriented, Pengalaman Telesales / Marketing, Penampilan Menarik, Customer Oriented.

Fungsi Kerja  OFFICER :
a). Memberikan informasi dan layanan pelanggan/nasabah lewat telephone
b). Menganalisa masalah pelanggan dan solusinya
c). Service Excelent, Siap bekerja dgn Target Performance


Harap membawa Lamaran + CV lengkap dengan fotocopy KTP,  ijazah, transkrip nilai,  Pas photo ukuran 4 x 6 (warna) 1 lbr

Setiap Senin – Jum’at (Hari Kerja)
01 – 31 Juli 2013
Waktu  : 09.00 - 15.00  WIB 
Tempat  : Gd. THE East Lt .15
Jl. Lingkar Mega Kuningan Kav. E 3.2 No 1
Jakarta Selatan 12950
Telp Informasi : 021-5789 4808

Dapat juga mengirimkan CV  lengkap melalui email :
  CANTUMKAN POSISI, pada Subject/Judul Email.
PBO, CCO atau TM

Nokia Lumia 1020 leaked press image reveals a trio of colors

Written By Unknown on Monday, 8 July 2013 | 20:08

A few days after we saw it wearing AT&T livery, the Nokia Lumia 1020 appeared in yet another press image. This time around, the Windows Phone 8 imaging powerhouse appeared free of carrier branding, and showcasing three colors - white, black, and yellow.

Alongside the leaked press image, some fresh details about the handset's specs emerged, including its much talked about camera unit. The latter promises to be a smartphone photographer's dream when the handset goes official.

Reportedly, the 41MP camera unit of the Nokia Lumia 1020 will be capable of simultaneously capturing 32MP and 5MP images with 16:9 ratio, as well as a 38MP ones with 4:3 aspect. The 5MP image will be oversampled by combining seven pixels into one "super pixel." The camera will unsurprisingly feature optical image stabilization (OIS) and F2.2 aperture.

The Pro Camera app which left us wondering last time will bring proper enthusiast settings to the user. They include the option to manually tweak ISO, white balance, focus, shutter speed, and the flash settings.

Further leaked specs for the Nokia Lumia 1020 included never before seen on WP handset 2GB of RAM, 32GB of non-expandable storage, NFC, FM radio, flip to silence gesture, and optional wireless charging.

Nokia Lumia 1020 is allegedly expected to hit AT&T's shelves by the end of this month. No details have been spilled on international availability.

The Nokia Lumia 1020 will break cover this coming Thursday in New York City. We will be covering the event live from the spot, so be sure to tune in for the full scoop on the smartphone.


Nokia officially announces the 207, 208 and 208 dual SIM

Nokia hast just officially took the wraps off three new affordable handsets - the Nokia 207, Nokia 208 and 208 dual-SIM.

The trio of candybars is done in Nokia's bold colors that we're used to seeing and are almost identical to one another. Built around a 2.4" QVGA display and phone keypad, the only difference between the 207 and 208 is the 1.3MP camera at the back.

The 207 and 208 measure 114.2 x 50.9 x 12.8mm and weigh 89.6 grams and 90.5 grams, respectively (the extra gram is due to the camera). They all share a 1020mAh battery which doesn't sound much, but Nokia boasts the phones can go more than a month on stand-by without needing a recharge, while the talk time is estimated to be up to 12 hours on 2G.

Quad-band 2G and tri-band 3G mean that the 207 and 208 will work on most places. Connectivity is covered with Bluetooth 3.0, which supports Slam sharing, 3.5mm AV port and microUSB port for PC sync and charging. The both models support Nokia's data-compressing Xpress Browser, YouTube video streaming as well as popular social networks and services like Twitter, Facebook and WhatsApp (will be available for the 208 initially). Mail for Exchange is supported for calendar and contacts sync, while the lack of a camera on 207 means that it can be used in workplaces which forbid cameras on sight, according to Nokia. There's a microSD card slot too, for storage up to 32GB.

Nokia says the phones are splash proof thanks to the lack of gaps between the keys. They're tough as well, due to the 'cup'-style design, reminiscent to Asha 501 and Lumia 620. This also means you can change the back shell with another and completely change the look of the phone.

Expect to phones to start shipping some time in Q3 this year with all three phones available in red, cyan, white and black. The Nokia 207, 208 and 208 dual SIM will cost around $68 / €52 each before local taxes and operator subsidies.


Camera samples for 41MP Nokia Lumia 1020 (EOS) surface

Joe Belfiore, manager at Microsoft's Windows Phone division, has posted several samples which contain EXIF data identifying the device used as the Nokia Lumia 1020.

Lumia 1020 camera samples

The Lumia 1020, which leaked numerous times by its codename Nokia EOS, has since been identified by numerous sources as the Lumia 1020, a sequel to Nokia's current Windows Phone flagship, the Lumia 920. It may or may not have the PureView suffix attached to it, to liken it to the first Nokia model sporting PureView, the Nokia 808 PureView.

The first sample has a resolution of 2947 x 1658 pixels (~5MP), while the other is 2352 x 1568 pixels (3.7MP), but as we know the first PureView camera produced samples of similar resolution in its native supersampling mode.

The Lumia 1020 is expected to be announced by Nokia on July 11 at the #ZoomParty event in New York. Be sure to check back with us then for all the juicy details.

Source | Via

Nokia should look to Android to stay afloat, analyst says

Many attribute Nokia's decline in recent years to its exclusive reliance on Microsoft's Windows Phone platform as its only outlet into the world of smartphones. Now one analyst argues that if Nokia has any hope of righting the ship, it must begin manufacturing Android smartphones.

Pierre Ferragu of Bernstein Research urges that Nokia must "take the pill before one cannot afford to do so anymore… its exposure to the disappearing feature phone market and the lack of traction of Windows phones could cost Nokia a lot of cash in the near term, in restructuring, marketing/distribution support, and operational losses, which means it could be too late to address the problem in a couple of years."

Nokia's partnership with Microsoft has been anything but what either company was hoping for, even ifrecent signs are encouraging. The Finnish phone maker and the Windows Phone operating system found on many of its devices are struggling to make the smartphone the three-horse race Elop was talking about when unveiling the new strategy.

Nokia continues to rely heavily on its feature phone sales to keep finances in check, as evidenced by its most recent ad campaign for the S40-powered Nokia Asha 501. But the featurephone market, once a pillar of Nokia's dominance, is also starting to crumble. Even in the conservative Western European smartphone market, where Nokia's total shipments have dropped by 30% year-over-year.

It's unclear what would it cost for Nokia to dip its toe into the Android pool, though. On one hand Microsoft has given licenses to Samsung, HTC and Huawei to make WP-powered devices of their own despite all of those also having Android smartphones. On the other ever since day one and Microsoft Nokia made it clear that their partnership is different to that between Microsoft and the other WP OEMs.


Nokia Amber update for WP8 Lumias coming in August

The Nokia Lumia 925 launched with a new and improved software and Nokia promised to make it available to its older WP8 phones in the summer with the so-called Amber update. Now we've got a more concrete time frame thanks to the Nokia Spain's Twitter account.

The Amber update for Nokia Lumia range with WP8 arrive in August giving the same user experience as #Lumia925

Translated with Google Translate

The Amber update will bring the new Smart Camera lens for Lumia, which does post processing tricks like Action shot, Motion focus and object removal. Check out demos of those effects here.

There’s more - Amber will enable the FM radio receiver that has been lying dormant in Windows Phone 8 powered Lumia phones (except the 620) and the "double tap to wake" lockscreen with a clock (presumably only for AMOLED packing phones). Check out our preview of the Lumia 925 for more details on these features.

By the way, Twitter accounts aren't 100% reliable when it comes to such information, so we're still waiting for official confirmation.

Source (in Spanish) | Via (in Italian)


Written By Unknown on Wednesday, 3 July 2013 | 19:13


Klien kami Perusahaan TV Cable yang sedang berkembang berlokasi di kawasan Jakarta, 
membutuhkan tenaga muda profesional berkualitas sebagai :


Fungsi Kerja :

  • Memberikan informasi dan layanan TV Cable / Satelite
  • Menganalisa masalah pelanggan dan solusinya
  • Service Excelent


  • Pria / Wanita Maks. 30 thn
  • Single / Menikah
  • Min. SMU/D3  dari semua jurusan, IPK min. 2.75
  • Bersedia kerja shifting
  • Berbahasa Inggris Aktiv, menjadi nilai tambah
  • Customer Service & Target Oriented
  • Penampilan rapi dan menarik
  • Lancar / Paham Berbahasa Jawa
Benefit :
  • Gaji Pokok UMP Jakarta 2013
  • Jamsostek
  • Askes
  • Insentif

Datang dan  WAWANCARA LANGSUNG pada:

Hari         : Senin – Jum’at 
Tanggal : 01 – 12 Juli 2013
Waktu : 09.00 - 14.00  WIB 
Tempat : Gedung THE East Lt .15
          Jl. Lingkar Mega Kuningan Kav. E 3.2 No 1
          Jakarta Selatan 12950
Telp         : 021 - 5789 4808

Bawa CV lengkap dengan fotocopy KTP, ijazah, transkrip nilai, Pasphoto ukuran 4 x 6 (warna) 
Kirimkan CV  lengkap melalui email kami :

Loker IT Programmer Senior

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, 2 July 2013 | 03:05


PT. Mitracomm Ekasarana bekerjasama dengan sebuah perusahaan Nutrisi Nasional membutuhkan kandidat profesional untuk ditempatkan di Jakarta dan Bogor sebagai :

IT Programmer Senior
Jakarta Raya

  • Membuat dan Monitoring Aplikasi Call Center
  • Monitoring day to day operation system untuk sistem validasi
  • Bertanggung jawab terhadap aplikasi  agar berjalan baik

  • Pria 
  • Umur maksimal  35 tahun
  • Pendidikan Min D3  Jurusan Teknik Komputer
  • IPK Min 2.75
  • Bahasa Inggris Aktif
  • Menguasai PHP,, dan mengerti data base
  • Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan
  • Penempatan Jakarta Selatan          

Datang dan  WAWANCARA LANGSUNG pada:

Hari :  Senin – Jumat 
Tanggal : 1 - 19 Juli 2013
Waktu    :  09.00 - 15.00  WIB (Hari kerja)
Tempat  :  Gedung The East Lantai .15
      Jalan Dr. Ide. Anak Agung Gde  Kav E3.2 No.1
           Kawasan Mega kuningan Jakarta Selatan 12950
Harap membawa CV lengkap dengan fotocopy KTP, ijazah, transkrip nilai,
Pas photo ukuran 4 x 6 (warna)

Bagi yang berhalangan hadir dapat mengirimkan CV  lengkap melalui
email kami:

Website :

Info Loker Air Asia Inbound Officer

Klien kami Airlines terkemuka berlokasi di kawasan Jakarta, membutuhkan tenaga muda profesional berkualitas sebagai :

Air Asia Inbound Officer
Jakarta Raya

  • Memberikan informasi dan layanan ticketing cia phone
  • Menganalisa masalah pelanggan dan solusinya
  • Service Excelent
  • Target Oriented

  • Pria /Wanita 
  • Umur max 30 th *Menikah (dipersilahkan)
  • Pendidikan Min.SMA (pengalaman Call Center + Bahasa Inggris aktif) D3/S1  dari semua jurusan
  • IPK Min 2.75  
  • Customer service & target oriented
  • Komunikatif
  • Berbahasa inggris aktiv menjadi nilai tambah
  • Pengalaman telesales merupakan nilai tambah
  • Penampilan rapi dan menarik
  • Bersedia kerja shifting

Datang dan 
Hari :  Senin – Jumat
Tanggal : 01 - 31 Juli 2013
Waktu    :  09:00 – 14:00  WIB  
Tempat  : GEDUNG THE EAST Lt  15
      Jl. Lingkar Mega Kuningan Kav E 3.2 No 1
     Jakarta Selatan  12950

Harap membawa CV lengkap dengan fotocopy KTP, ijazah, transkrip nilai, Pas photo ukuran 4 x 6 (warna)

Bagi yang berhalangan hadir dapat mengirimkan CV  lengkap melalui
email kami :

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