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Neil Gaiman's Law Of Hotel Rooms.

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, 31 March 2010 | 15:03

A weird law of hotel rooms, that the nicer a room you have been given, the less time you'll spend there, and you'll always be there alone.

It's just a tweet, but it holds some interesting ideas about the relative importance of shared experience and material quality to a human customer. Customer satisfaction is not as straightforward as some would have you believe.

More Apple Wallpapers...

Written By Unknown on Saturday, 27 March 2010 | 16:04

Prism Video Converter

Quer um conversor de vídeo gratuito que trabalha com os principais formatos de arquivo? Para isso baixe o Prism Video Converter com ele você pode converter vídeos para AVI, WMV, DIVX, 3GP, MPG, VOB e ainda pegar arquivos de DVD e transformar em outros formatos.

Como funciona

Basta abrir o programa e fazer o upload do arquivo que você quer converter, selecionar o tipo de formato que quer para ele, definir o local onde será salvo (a pasta do seu computador) e clicar no botão “Convert”. Você não terá trabalho algum, pois quem tem todo trabalho aqui é oPrism Video Converter. Você pode ainda definir algumas configurações de conversão, para melhorar a qualidade de imagem e do som, assim definindo o tipo de compressão ou a qualidade do som. basta ir na opção “Encoder Options” antes de converter seu vídeo e escolher as configurações.

Convertendo de um DVD

Coloque no seu drive de DVD (do computador) e depois abra o Prism Video Converter e escolha a opção “Add DVD”, busque o drive de DVD e comece a converter o arquivo.

Gravando CDs e DVDs

Se você possui gravadoras de CD e DVD no seu computador o programa terá mais uma função, que é gravar CDs e DVDs. Ele pode gravar a partir de um arquivo salvo no seu computador ou a partir de um arquivo que foi convertido pelo próprio software.

Formatos compatíveis

  • AVI,
  • MPEG,
  • MP4,
  • WMV,
  • DivX
  • Xvid;
  • RM
  • VOB,
  • OGM;
  • MOV,
  • ASF,
  • 3GP,
  • H.264.

Earned Media Has To Be Worth It.

Written By Unknown on Thursday, 25 March 2010 | 02:34

The ability of your bought marketing efforts to gain free editorial coverage and/or extended online life is lauded as a way of increasing one's marketing ROI. Consequently, in tough economic times, it has become a goal and justification in and of itself with agencies reporting that clients ask them to "make us a viral" while clients are regaled with case studies like Cadbury's gorilla.

Earned media is more valuable than bought media only if it is earned for the right reasons. If it's just picked up by media outlets desperate to fill their 24 hour schedule or is passed around for its creativity or shock value rather than the underlying purpose, then is that coverage really worth earning?

Influence Ain't What It Used To Be. Or Is It?

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, 23 March 2010 | 04:10

In the past, it was assumed that mass influencers were influencing - maybe they weren't. But, did anyone actually prove it? If they had, would we all know this aphorism?

"I know half my advertising dollars are wasted - I just don't know which half!"

Haven't we always been influenced by those closest to us? It's just become more apparent because we can now know much more easily what like-minded people are thinking and liking.

Pod to Mac

Written By Unknown on Saturday, 20 March 2010 | 10:55

Infelizmente, o Itunes só permite que enviemos músicas de nosso computador para o iPod e não realiza a operação inversa. 

Por isso que não podemos transferir músicas que coletamos na casa de um amigo, por exemplo, para o nosso próprio computador.
Pod to Mac é um aplicativo que irá acabar com este tipo de dor de cabeça, já que com ele, será possível transferir sem problemas suas músicas do iPod, ou Iphone para sua biblioteca musical do iTunes.
O programa lhe oferece inúmeras possibilidades, como a cópia de uma única musica da mesma maneira que um álbum, ou uma playlist completa.


Word Clock

O protetor de tela já teve sua utilidade.
Quando a grande maioria dos monitores ainda era de tubo, os pixels dançantes do screensaver impediam um fenômeno chamado de queima do pixel.
Quando isso acontecia, ficavam marcas dos pixels na tela.
Nada muito agradável.
Isso não acontece mais.
Graças à tecnologia do LCD, o pixels estão livres do risco e os protetores de tela não passam de perfumaria. Apesar da pouca utilidade, os screensavers dificilmente serão deixados de lado, portanto, é preciso inovar.
O Word Clock é um belíssimo protetor de tela que utiliza recursos tipográficos para mostrar as horas na forma escrita. São mais de trinta idiomas disponíveis, entre eles o português. Em vez de ler 18:26, o protetor de tela mostra "Terça dezesseis de março, dezoito e vinte e seis" e os segundos. Tudo isso é mostrado em um ambiente charmoso que esbanja recuros gráficos e novidades
Download: LINK

Hardy Light Theme

Written By Unknown on Friday, 19 March 2010 | 23:12

Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04 using Light Theme

Ubuntu Lucid will comes with new fresh theme, called 'Light Theme'. Some people said that the Light Theme was the 'imitation' of Mac OS X interface. I don`t agree with that opinion. For me, Ubuntu with GNOME, will always be more simple, easy to use, lightweight and usable. Or in other simple word, Ubuntu with GNOME is better than Mac OS X—of course it`s fully my subjective opinion.

After I`ve tried to install the Ubuntu Lucid packages into my Ubuntu Hardy LTS system, I felt satisfied and really surprised by the Ubuntu`s new theme. Because of one technical system, I still not yet upgrade my whole Ubuntu system into the new Ubuntu, so I just tried to apply the theme.

Although the light theme not fully compatible in the Hardy`s GNOME version, but I can taste some of them, such as Humanity Icon Theme, Radiance Metacity and Ambiance Metacity theme. For the Gtk theme, there is one big technical problem because of the different version of gtk2 engines, and so the Lucid`s gtk2 engines was not work in the Hardy`s gtk2 engines.

I`ve re-packed the light theme so its can be installed into Ubuntu Hardy. The packages are consist of Humanity Icon Theme, Ubuntu Mono, Light Theme, and gnome panel theme.

Download Hardy Light Theme

Mencicipi SoftMaker Office Linux

Linux telah sepenuhnya diakui sebagai sebuah sistem yang profesional. Hal tersebut terbukti dari semakin banyaknya vendor software developer yang merilis software mereka dalam versi Linux. Dan dari sekian vendor yang telah merilis versi Linux dari software mereka adalah SoftMaker, sebuah software office suite yang sangat mirip dengan Microsoft Office.

SoftMaker, sebagai software office suite—yang menurut klaim pengembangnya, sepenunya kompatibel dengan Microsoft Office, terdiri dari tiga jenis suite : yaitu PlanMaker, sebagai ekuivalensi dari Microsoft Excel atau Spreadsheet; SoftMaker Presentations, sebagai ekuivalensi dari Microsoft PowerPoint atau Impress; dan TextMaker, sebagai ekuivalensi dari Microsoft Word atau Word Processor.

Secara umum, interface dari SotfMaker Office identik dengan interface Microsoft Office 2003, atau Namun ternyata, tombol-tombol shortcut dari Microsoft Office memang sepenuhnya berfungsi, yang meliputi antara lain :

  1. Tombol Ctrl+1, untuk spasi antar baris 1 spasi.

  2. Tombol Ctrl+5, untuk spasi antar baris 1,5 spasi.

  3. Tombol Ctrl+2, untuk spasi antar baris 2 spasi.

  4. Tombol Shift+F3, untuk mengubah jenis huruf menjadi kapital atau kecil secara masif.

Yang cukup menarik, memang, SoftMaker juga mendukung berbagai format dokumen office, termasuk format dokumen dari dua office suite paling populer saat ini, yaitu docx milik Microsoft Office, dan odt milik

Di situs resminya, software ini dijual dengan harga sekitar Rp. 600Ribu-an, dan saat ini telah tersedia versi SoftMaker 2010. Yang lebih menarik, SoftMaker juga merilis versi demo untuk Linux, dengan masa aktif 30 hari. Format paket instalasi juga tersedia dalam tiga format paket Linux paling populer : RPM, DEB dan Tarbal. Bagi profesional user, software ini cukup menarik untuk jadi pengganti Microsoft Office. Untuk saya sendiri, tetaplah setia dengan :D

Link Terkait :


Free Shouldn't Cheapen.

Written By Unknown on Thursday, 18 March 2010 | 04:59

Last night, I went along to a free (but ticketed) event run by Jameson Whiskey. A showing of Moon to be topped and tailed by whiskey-related cocktails. An appealing mix that I ultimately didn't sample.

When participation has no direct cost, it can be difficult to judge prospective attendance. That's one of the risks of free. In this case, attendees were reasonably enough urged not to arrive too late as the number of issued tickets exceeded capacity, but when I arrived fifteen minutes before the doors opened I knew there was a problem. The line ran down the block and round the corner and then down that block.

Inevitably, there were many disappointed people (perhaps as many as hundred at a venue that held 440) and while staff were polite and apologetic, it shouldn't have happened. It's far better to have a few empty seats than a lot of disgruntled turn-aways. As I always say, the cardinal sin is that of annoying people.

I'm sure those people who got in had a good time and, consequently, they may or may not feel better disposed towards Jameson. But how do those who were turned away feel about Jameson? Were Jameson able to identify and seek to recompense them in some way? Did they even contemplate it? Indeed did their marketing executives (as opposed to the event organisers) even know what had happened?

Free does not mean value-less. Free is an act of generosity, not one of penny-pinching. Free may devalue the commitment of the recipients. It must never diminish the commitment of the host.

Addendum: The post is more about free than moaning about Jameson, but it's simple enough to think of what they could have done about a contingency plan.

They had a list of attendees' emails - they should have ticked those off on a laptop (rather than the printouts so many people use) and thereby identified who had not been admitted. Once it became clear there was an attendance problem, they should have immediately sent an email to those people apologising for the problem and offering some sort of pre-agreed "compensation" that crucially was equivalent to the night out they were now not going to have.

That would have ameliorated those outside, warned any people en route to turn back and reduced any ill-feeling towards the company.

Sidebar: It always amazes me that companies send out blanket emails to attendee lists thanking them for their attendance without thinking of the impact that action will have on those who didn't attend and who now realise their non-attendance went unnoticed,

Mencicipi Ubuntu Lucid Lynx Beta

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, 17 March 2010 | 23:19

Ubuntu Lucid Lynx Beta

Ubuntu 10. 04 LTS akan segera rilis. Dengan codename Lucid Lynx, versi kali ini adalah versi Long Term Support yang ketiga, setelah Dapper Drake dan Hardy Heron. Bagi saya, dan mungkin bagi pengguna segmen profesional yang lain, tentu sangat menunggu kedatangan versi ini. Karena seringnya waktu rilis Ubuntu, saya memang telah memilih untuk hanya menggunakan versi LTS saja, kecuali jika ada keperluan teknis lain—semisal masalah hardware.


Yang sangat menarik, di forum-forum internet—dan ternyata memang benar, bahwa interface Ubuntu kali ini mengalami perombakan yang cukup besar. Perubahan interface Ubuntu kali ini, oleh salahseorang user di internet disebut sebagai “Ubuntu Going Grey”. Kemudian, menurut pendapat user tersebut dikatakan bahwa Ubuntu kali ini melakukan “shadowing”, atau “copy cat” daripada interface sistem operasi Mac OS X. Jika ditilik sepintas, pendapat tersebut cukup beralasan, karena sekilas, tampilan desktop Ubuntu Lucid memang cukup mirip dengan tampilan Mac OS X. Kemiripan itu terletak pada :

  1. Tombol metacity, ada disebelah kiri dan berbentuk bulat seperti milik Mac OS X, tentu saja dengan warna orange khas Ubuntu.

  2. Logo Ubuntu di GNOME menu. Inilah yang benar-benar beda, logo Ubuntu kali ini diganti menjadi berwarna abu-abu, persis seperti warna logo apel Mac OS X.

  3. Wallpaper yang berwarna dasar ungu, yang sekilas akan langsung mengingatkan kita pada wallpaper Aurora milik Mac OS X Leopard.


Sepengetahuan saya, ada dua hal yang memang benar-benar baru dari Ubuntu Lucid, yaitu : (1) Paket Usplash sebagai bootloader default Ubuntu selama ini, dibuang dan diganti dengan Xsplash. Menurut Ubuntu sendiri, proses booting dari Ubuntu Lucid menjadi jauh lebih cepat. Saya sendiri belun mencobanya, karena paket Xsplash tidak bisa diinstalasikan di Ubuntu Hardy; (2) Versi GDM yang berubah. Dengan perubahan versi GDM, kita akan kesulitan untuk melakukan perubahan tema GDM maupun perubahan parameter GDM.


Dengan berbekal iso alternate install, saya bisa mencicipi interface baru Ubuntu Lucid, namun ternyata saya menemukan sebuah bug, yang tampaknya bisa menjadi kendala jika kita ingin melakukan upgrade sistem secara keseluruhan. Bug tersebut adalah terletak pada sebuah paket bernama “adium-theme-ubuntu”. Letak bug-nya adalah, pada saat instalasi paket tersebut, ada proses upgrade paket phyton, yang ternyata menyebabkan sebuah error tertentu (saya lupa tidak mencatat pesan errornya). Dengan adanya error tersebut, sistem apt kita menjadi rusak, dan kita tidak bisa melakukan manajemen paket.

Selain itu, ternyata interface Ubuntu Lucid tidak bisa diaplikasikan secara penuh di desktop Ubuntu Hardy. Tema GTK dari Ubuntu Lucid tidak bisa dibaca oleh GNOME 2.22.2 milik Ubuntu Hardy. Setelah saya telusuri, ternyata ada beberapa paket engine gtk yang harus diupgrade, tapi ternyata tidak sepenuhnya bisa. Bahkan, paket gtk2-engine-pixbuf tidak bisa di upgrade, karena tidak kompatibel dengan aplikasi-aplikasi yang ada di sistem Ubuntu Hardy.


Secara keseluruhan, saya hanya bisa mencicipi sebagian dari interface baru Ubuntu Lucid, yang ternyata memang cukup fresh, dan benar-benar baru. Untuk keseluruhan sistem, saya memang enggan melakukan upgrade, karena otomatis hal itu akan diikuti dengan pembuangan semua paket multimedia yang ada di sistem saya, sementara saya tidak memiliki koneksi internet untuk melakukan upgrade aplikasi-aplikasi opsional tersebut melalui apt.

Dengan semua inovasi baru dan fresh ini, sejujurnya, saya menjadi semakin menyukai sistem operasi ciptaan Mark Shuttleworth ini—dan semakin menipisikan minat saya untuk mengutak-atik distribusi Linux yang lain.

Untuk keseluruhan, saya memberi nilai 9, 75 untuk Ubuntu Lucid :D

Semarang, 18 Maret 2010 |

Everything You Need To Know About Social Media.

New media isn't a thing. It's just a nice place to keep having the conversation. Businesses don't need a new media strategy. They don't need a person thinking about how all of those places and spaces merge and warp and weft together. Businesses just need a conversation strategy. They need excellent people who like having conversations to do the talking and the writing. They need to resource their words department, and listen real hard. Then they should just go and spend some time where people are having those conversations, and join in politely, always making sure that they're being useful and interesting.

As explained by the always smart Dan Germain here.


Written By Unknown on Saturday, 13 March 2010 | 13:05

FeelHome nos permite transformar qualquer computador ligado à Internet em um servidor privado de arquivos, acessando diretamente os dados a partir de qualquer navegador (utilizando usuário e senha).
 Para utilizar a ferramenta, basta instalar e fazer o login no sistema do desenvolvedor.
Após o login, todos os arquivos, ou apenas aqueles que desejar, estarão disponíveis para acesso via Internet.
Além de obter os arquivos, é possível enviar outros novos para o computador remoto.
Roda em Max OS 10.6 ou superior

Download: LINK

FSuite CD

FSuite CD é a versão do PortableApps Suite Standard para Mac OS X, uma completa suite de aplicativos portáteis para dispositivos USB.
 Com ele o usuario terá em seu pendrive todos os aplicativos mais utilizados para abrir em qualquer computador da Apple. 
O pacote do FSuite vem com mais de 40 programas organizados em um prático menu que facilita a busca dos usuário.

Aplicativos de Office/Edição:

    * NeoOffice
    * Smultron
    * AbiWord Portable
    * Bean

Aplicativos Gráficos:

    * GIMP portable
    * Blender
    * Inkscape
    * Paintbrush No ranking semanal
    * Seashore

Aplicativos Webdesign:

    * Nvu
    * KompoZer

Aplicativos de Áudio:
    * Audacity Portable
    * Max
    * Senuti
    * Play
     Aplicativos de reprodução Vídeo:

    * MPlayer OS X
    * VLC Media Player
    * Jahshaka
    * Miro

Aplicativos Internet:

    * Firefox
    * Portable Camino
    * Mozilla Thunderbird Bronze
    * Cyberduck
    * Adium X

Aplicativos de desenvolvimento:

    * OSXVnc
    * Chicken of the VNC
    * MenuMeters
    * Gantt Project

    * Tux Paint
    * TUX Racer
    * Frozen Bubbles
    * The Battle for Wesnoth
    * Stellarium


Technology Diverges.

Written By Unknown on Friday, 12 March 2010 | 15:05

Multi-purpose devices and technologies are seen as inferior. Technology doesn't converge. It diverges. Devices become specialised high-spec and single-purposed.

Except in the pocket.

Crowd Control.

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, 9 March 2010 | 01:07

The real cost of social media is crowd control. You can only have a presence if its backed up with constant monitoring and rapid reaction. This we all know. We also know that the key to successful marketing is to be findable.

Too many companies square this circle by trying to be everywhere. Just like the old days of mass marketing, when they had to be on every time slot and every billboard, they now feel they have to be present on every social network and all over every fad.

The real solution is to identify where your audience will be and join them there in the best way you can. If you can't be the best you can in a particular location, then decide not to be there. That way you avoid outbursts of negative publicity while optimising your effectiveness elsewhere.


Written By Unknown on Friday, 5 March 2010 | 15:36

Apos dois anos parado resolvi retomar as postagens, vou me dedicar o máximo possível nas horas vagas, para colaborar com novidades para os visitantes assíduos ou não de meu blog, que mesmo sem postar por longo período continuou sempre recebendo um bom numero de visitantes diários.
Comente, pois esse e o maior incentivo para continuar postando.

(Clique na imagem para ampliar e salve)



Sizerox é um utilitário para Mac OS X que permite fazer uma série de tarefas em diversas imagens ao mesmo tempo. Ele permite redimensionar, renomear, recortar, rotacionar e adicionar marcas d´agua com poucos passos. O programa lê arquivos nos formatos JPEG, TIFF, PNG e PSD, gravando os arquivos finais como JPEG.
O programa pode ser útil quando se precisa mandar diversas fotografias por e-mail e é preciso reduzir o tamanho dos arquivos para serem enviados como anexo. Além disso pode ser usado para facilitar o envio dos arquivos para serviços como o Picasa web albums e Flickr.

Cryptor - Proteja Seus Arquivos


Cryptor é um utilitário capaz de encriptar qualquer diretório ou arquivo de seu computador. O programa é muito fácil de usar, além de não consumir muitos recursos do sistema, diferentemente de outros do mesmo gênero. Apenas alguns cliques são necessarios para proteger seus arquivos mais preciosos.
O programa permite ao usuario escolher qual o tipo de encriptação desejada e protege os documentos em segundos. O visual bem organizado é ideal para quem ainda não está acostumado com aplicativos que realizam este tipo de proteção.
Roda em Mac OS X 10.5 ou superior
Download: LINK
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