MYSQL Adalah salah satu jenis database server yang cukup terkenal,karena orang kebanyakan menggunakan database mysql karena program ini layanannya gratis. mysql juga termasuk jenis RDBMS (Relational database managenent System), juga mendukung bahasa pemrograman PHP.MYsql mempunyai query atau bahasa SQL (Scructured Query Language) yang sangat simple dan menggunakan escape character yang sama dengan PHP.
MYsQl mempunyai tampilan yang sangat mudah bagi pengguna dalam mengakses database juga menggunakan proteksi yang aman, untuk masuk ke database di sediakan USER biasanya user default nya root pass bisa di sesuaikan dengan keinginan anda, pasword biasanya di setting ketika anda melakukan proses instalasi.
phpMyAdmin merupakan software yang berbentuk seperti halaman web yang terdapat pada web server. Fungsinya adalah untuk mengakses atau mengendalikan database MYsql, sehingga pengguna tidak perlu repot untuk membuat perintah-perintah SQl,karena dengan adanya phpmyadmin mengelola database lebih mudah tinggal klik saja sudah di sediakan tombol-tombol yang sangat mudah di mengerti. biasanya kalau di komputer kita sudah terinstal mysql dan phpMyAdmin untuk membukanya kita tinggal memasukan ke baigan halaman bworser dengan localhost atau bisa juga dengan menggunakan ip localhost : contohnya : localhost Lihat Gambar :
Businesses aren’t investing in the United States because of a lack of consumer demand, International Paper CEO John Faraci said Friday.
“I think this was all about consumer spending and demand. You know, the problem we have is there’s inadequate demand to create jobs. We know how to respond when there is demand,” he said on CNBC’s “The Kudlow Report.”
The U.S. Commerce Department estimated that gross domestic product expanded at a 2.2 percent annual rate in the first quarter, falling short of analysts’ expectations it would grow 2.5 percent and slowing down from the fourth quarter’s 3-percent rate.
Consumer spending has been damped partly because the nationwide housing market has yet to recover, he said.
“Until it does, we’re not going to see the kind of consumer spending you would expect coming out of a recovery,” he said.
Asked again by host Larry Kudlow why companies were not investing, Faraci once more pointed to demand that has not materialized.
“Productivity has obviously been very good, so we’re creating more capacity with less resources. But at the end of the day, this is really about responding to demand, whether it’s automobiles or packaging products we make for a whole variety of industries and end users,” he said.
“We’re investing in India. We’re investing in Russia. We’re investing in Brazil. Not to ship products back here but because demand exists in those markets,” he said. “At the end of the day, this is really about responding to demand. We’re not going to go out and invest unless there’s demand.”
Earlier in the day, International Paper posted a better-than-expected quarterly profit on strong sales of shipping boxes and paper.
“I feel very good about the rest of the year,"Faraci told Reuters. "It’s not a macro-bullish story. It’s a macro-positive story.”
Don Peebles, CEO of Peebles Corp., a real estate developer, said that housing remains a drag on the economy.
A strong market, cheap money and high leverage fueled growth before the financial crisis, he said.
“What’s happening now is the housing market is not able to carry the economy,” he said. “Americans’ wealth has been decimated as a result of the lost value in their homes.”
Peebles also acknowledged, as the only small-business owner, that rising health-care costs and uncertainty over taxes were a challenge. But, he added, the No. 1 issue was access to capital.
Mort Zuckerman, founder of real estate investment trust Boston Properties and publisher of the New York Daily News and U.S. News & World Report, took aim at the slow growth.
Zuckerman blamed the housing-market collapse, as well as health-care costs and what he called an “inadequate, badly structured stimulus program.”
“Clearly, you should’ve had a GDP growth now of somewhere between 6 and 8 percent, with the degree of monetary and fiscal stimulus,” he said.
Biasanya checkbox di gunakan untuk Form yang mempunyai pilihan contohnya seperti jenis kelamin, tetapi ada juga yang membuat checkbok sebagai pencarian.
maka hasilnya seperti di bawah ini :
Pilih Jenis kelamin:
laki- laki : Perempuan :
Contoh checkbox yang di gunakan untuk pencarian :
Laki -laki :Perempuan : Penulisan Scripnya sebagai berikut :
Script menampilkan gambar pada html contoh scriptnya :
kalau kita lihat scrip di atas itu pasti gambar tampil secara default,ukuran gambar pasti yang muncul sesuai dengan aslinya. sekarang kita akan buat gambar yang mempunyai ukuran Contoh Scriptnya :
itu berarti panjang gambar 239 lebar 58
Ingat Gambar harus di simpan sama dengan file HTML jangan berbeda polder. Semoga Bisa membantu buat yang lagi belajar dasar HTML.
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Sunday, 29 April 2012
The PR1.2 update for the MeeGo-running Nokia N9 came out a couple of months ago, but even before that Nokia had been teasing PR1.3, calling it a "small but valuable" update.
Someone from a MeeGo fanblog was eager to find out more details on the next update, so they contacted Nokia - and Nokia answered. Reportedly, a Nokia representative said that the update will be out by the end of May and confirmed that the update is small, but it would contain many surprises.
The Nokia representative couldn't comment on whether theSkypeapp for the N9 will support video calling, like the Google Talk VideoCallappalready does (Skype is a third-party app after all).
It goes without saying that this info should be treated as a rumor for now.
Written By
Thursday, 26 April 2012
Cara membuat Form Html untuk pemula menggunakan "pre", Cara ini mungkin lebih simple de bandingkan dengan membuat table untuk merapihkan posisi colom dalam pembuatan suatu program,
Sebagai contoh kita bikin form nya sebagai berikut:
PHP adalah bahasa pemrogaman untuk dijalankan melalui halaman WEB, umumnya digunakan untuk mengolah informasi internet,tapi dalam pengertian lain PHP adalah singkatan dari PHP hypertext preprocessor bahasa pemograman web server - side yang bersifat GRATIS.php merupakan script yang menyatu dengan HTML.
php adalah script untuk membuat halam web menjadi dinamis,dan paling banyak di gunakan pada saat ini.PHP pertama kali dibuat oleh RASMUS LERDORF pada tahun 1995 pada saat itu php masih bernama FI (form interpreted)sekumpulan script yang digunakan untuk mengolah data form web,perkembangan selanjutnya RASMUS melepas kode kode sumber tersebut menjadi PHP atau FI yang berganti kepanjangan menjadi (personal home page atau form interpreter)
Ada pun kelebihan dan kekurangan dari PHP
Membuat WEB bisa menjadi lebih dinamis PHP bersifat open source bisa di pakai secara GRATIS. Program atau Aplikasi yang dibuat dengan php dapat berjalan disemua web browser,karena php berjalan secara web base.itu artinya bisa bekerja di semua OS termasuk handphone. Aplikasi menggunakan PHP biasanya lebih cepat dibanding yang lain. Mendukung lebih banyak database. PHP adalah sebuah bahasa script yang tidak melakukan kompilasi dalam penggunaannya. Berbagai script sudah tersedia dengan gratis. Dalam sisi pengembangan lebih mudah,dan segi pemahaman pun lebih mudah. Web server yang mendukung PHP dapat ditemukan dimana-mana dan bisa di download secara gratis.
Permasalahan yang sering terjadi pada Register Global Kode PHP dapat dibaca semua orang jika tidak di encoding, dan biayanya encoding cukup mahal Tidak mengenal package. Tidak memiliki sistem pemrograman berorientasi objek yang sesungguhnya. PHP memiliki kelemahan pada keamanan,hati-hati dalam penggunaan keamanan pada php.
Pada Kesempatan kali ini saya akan membahas sedikit tentang HTML, jadi kita harus tahu dulu apa itu html. HTML kepanjangan dari (HyperText Markup Language)yang merupakan bahasa Standar yang biasa di gunakan oleh Browser internet untuk membuat suatu halaman dan dokumen pada sebuah wedbrowser dan itu akan menghasilkan sebauh tulisan pada browser dan di baca seperti kita membaca pada sebuah majalah,html juga bisa di gunakan pada untuk upload file antar komputer dengan tidak menggunakan internet tapi menggunakan koneksi di localhost.
Sebagai contoh sederhana untuk penulisan HTML ========================= <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Contoh Html</title> </head> <body> <p>tulisan anda </p> </body> </html> ========================== Pada dokumen HTML di apit oleh tag <HEAD></HEAD> di dalam bagian ini biasanya dimuat tag TITLE untuk menampilkan judul dari halaman pada title browser. Selain itu Bookmark juga megunakan tag TITLE untuk memberi mark suatu web site. Browser menyimpan “titile” sebagai bookmark dan juga untuk keperluan pencarian pada web biasanya title digunakan sebagai keyword. Header juga memuat tag META yang biasanya digunakan untuk menentukan informasi tertentu mengenai document HTML, anda bisa menentukan author name, keywords, dan lainyan pada tag META.
kita ambil contoh sebagai berikut: ============================== <meta name="author" aqmal="blog-aqmal"> ============================== Untuk penulisan html sudah wajib menggunakan (Tag),tag ini dinyatakan dalam bentuk tanda lebih kecil (<) dan lebih besar (>) tag ini harus selalu ada dalam penulisan pada html untuk tag awal contoh (<) untuk tag akhir(/>) contoh penulisan <h1>Contoh H1</h1> <b>Teks tebal</b>
VMware ESX source code has been stolen and posted online, but the company says its virtualization platform doesn't necessarily pose an increased risk to customers.
The stolen code amounts to a single file from sometime around 2003 or 2004, the company says in a blog post.
"The fact that the source code may have been publicly shared does not necessarily mean that there is any increased risk to VMware customers," according to the blog written by Iain Mulholland, director of the company's Security Response Center.
The code was stolen from a Chinese company called China Electronics Import & Export Corporation (CEIEC) during a March breach, according to a posting on the Kaspersky Threat Post blog.
The code along with internal VMware emails were posted online three days ago.
VMware didn't respond immediately to a request for more information about the impact of the breach on customers.
Eric Chiu, president of virtualization security firm Hytrust, says it's hard to say what VMware customers should do because there's not enough detail about how the exposed code is being used in current products.
In general, though, customers should review the security for virtual environments to address the fact that a compromised hypervisor exposes multiple virtual machines.
While the incident is reminiscent of the breach last year of RSA source code, the circumstances differ. An RSA partner was breached and that breach was used to send a malware-laced email to an RSA staffer who opened it.
In VMware's case, the CEIEC network was hacked and finding the source code was fortuitous.
This is what VMware posted in a blog: "Yesterday, April 23, 2012, our security team became aware of the public posting of a single file from the VMware ESX source code and the possibility that more files may be posted in the future. The posted code and associated commentary dates to the 2003 to 2004 timeframe.
"The fact that the source code may have been publicly shared does not necessarily mean that there is any increased risk to VMware customers. VMware proactively shares its source code and interfaces with other industry participants to enable the broad virtualization ecosystem today. We take customer security seriously and have engaged internal and external resources, including our VMware Security Response Center, to thoroughly investigate. We will continue to provide updates to the VMware community if and when additional information is available."
Sekarang Adsense Goggle Sudah support bahasa indonesia, nah buat sobat bloger sekarang sa'atnya tiba dari dulu kita tunggu-tunggu kapan waktunya google bis support bahasa indonesia coba lihat disini, itu sudah jelas bahwa adsense google sudah bisa support dengan bahasa indonesia,
sekarang waktunya kita daftarkan web atau pun Blog kita mudah-mudahan di terima
Written By
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
[Unetbootin running on Windows 7]
Several years ago, I remember, every time I need a newer Ubuntu release, automatically I have to purchase one blank CD to burn the newer Ubuntu iso. And every six months, I did the same thing. Again and again.
That was before I met Unetbootin, a wonderful simple application to create a Linux LiveMedia using USB stick drive. And now, almost every Linux distro provides a LiveMedia with size bigger than single CD fit (700 MB), and Unetbootin is the easiest, cheapest and the most briliant way to boot Linux LiveMedia.
This time, I just want so say, that I am so thankful to the Unetbootin developers that has developed an ultimate tool to "burn" a Linux LiveMedia into a USB stick drive. Of course, there are some major Linux distros that built to be "a DVD installer" such as CentOS, Slackware, and Arch. But, with the trending of LiveMedia, I believe, in the future, there is no distro Linux that doesn't have LiveMedia version to help users install Linux desktop easily :)
QMMPis a great Winamp Like music player. For me, this is the greatest current living Winamp Like Music Player in Linux (Audacious seems to be more “gtk” interfaced music player than classic winamp). This is based on QT but works smooth and fast enough in gtk based desktops (lxde, xfce, gnome).
For you that don't know yet what is QMMP, this is a popular app and installable easily by apt in Ubuntu and or Debian (squeeze, wheezy, sid) : sudo apt-get install qmmp
Because of this, I decided to pack some cool Winamp classic skins to be a Debian package to fullfil the lack of additional skins in default QMMP installation. These are the skins :
Bang & Olufsen
Winamp Classic
And this is the file qmmp-skins-pack-0.1-all.deb you can download and install it to eyecandy your QMMP Player. Happy Linuxing !
Written By
Thursday, 19 April 2012
Krishand General Ledger Fiskal/Komersial Versi 3.5
Krishand General Ledger merupakan software akuntansi yang digunakan untuk mencatat transaksi jurnal dan menghasilkan laporan keuangan seperti Buku Besar, Neraca, Laba/Rugi, dll. Salah satu kelebihan dari software Krishand GL adalah gabungan dari pencatatan jurnal komersial dan fiskal sekaligus di dalam satu program.
Fitur-fitur standar Krishand GL :
Berbasis Windows. Multi user. Mencatat transaksi jurnal baik fiskal maupun komersial. Penomoran bukti jurnal yang sangat fleksibel. Menyediakan fungsi untuk mengatur ulang no. bukti jurnal. Menyediakan fungsi penomoran bukti jurnal secara otomatis. Buku Besar dan Neraca Saldo dapat dilihat setiap saat tanpa perlu proses posting. Menghasilkan laporan keuangan fiskal dan komersial. Menyediakan laporan keuangan komparatif antara fiskal dan komersial. Melakukan perhitungan saldo buku besar secara akurat. Format tampilan laporan keuangan dapat disetup sendiri oleh user sehingga Anda dapat menghasilkan laporan keuangan yang tampilannya berbeda untuk beberapa pihak yang berbeda kepentingan. Sederhana dan mudah digunakan. Untuk download program Krishand General Ledger, silakan klik di sini
Screen Shot
Contoh Entri Data Transaksi Jurnal Contoh Laporan Neraca Komparatif Komersial/Fiskal Krishand General Ledger Versi 4.0
Krishand GL 4.0 merupakan software general ledger yang sangat fleksibel penggunaannya, sangat nyaman digunakan dan disukai para akuntan. Dengan menggunakan Krishand GL 4.0, Anda bisa menyajikan laporan keuangan yang lebih dalam dan lebih luas.
Fitur-fitur standar Krishand GL:
Berbasis Windows. Multi user, sederhana, dan mudah digunakan. Multi cabang, multi currency, multi cost center dan user defined key analysis Dapat digunakan oleh semua jenis usaha. No. Perkiraan dapat disetup sendiri oleh user dengan maksimum 12 karakter. Dapat menginput jurnal untuk periode yang akan datang tanpa harus menutup periode yang sedang berjalan. Bisa mencatat nilai mata uang asing dan pembuatan jurnal selisih kurs secara otomatis Proses posting dan unposting dapat dilakukan setiap saat. Buku Besar dan Neraca Saldo dapat dilihat setiap saat tanpa perlu proses posting. Nilai debet/kredit mencapai 99.999.999.999.999. Dapat mengedit transaksi jurnal tahun sebelumnya dan fasilitas pindah saldo. Penomoran bukti jurnal secara otomatis dan fungsi penyusunan ulang nomor bukti jurnal. Format tampilan laporan keuangan dapat disetup sendiri oleh user sehingga Anda dapat menghasilkan laporan keuangan yang tampilannya berbeda untuk beberapa pihak yang berbeda kepentingan. Custom report formatting untuk berbagai macam laporan anlisa sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda. Laporan dapat diekspor ke Microsoft Excel.
Klik di sini untuk melihat sekilas video presentasi Krishand GL
Download di sini untuk melihat video dari fitur baru yang ditambahkan dalam Krishand GL Multi Cabang. Dalam fitur baru ini, user dapat langsung melihat trial balance begitu jurnal selesai diinput. Ukuran file sebesar 2,832 Kb dan dapat dibuka dengan program Windows Media Player. Untuk mengurangi ukuran file yang didownload, maka kualitas gambar telah dikurangi. Mohon nyalakan speaker Anda pada saat menonton video ini.
Download Software Krishand General Ledger 4.0
Silakan pilih file yang mau di-download dengan mengklik nama file yang digarisbawahi. File installer hanya digunakan jika Anda belum pernah install Krishand GL versi 4.0 dan kehilangan data akibat install ulang bukan tanggung jawab kami.
Krishand GL Versi 4.0 - 11 file Last Update 3 Pebruari 2012
Download ke-11 file tersebut di atas dan simpan di suatu folder sementara misalkan c:\temp Setelah semua file didownload, masuk ke folder c:\temp dan cari file gl4_installer.exe Dobel klik file gl4_installer.exe untuk install. Untuk mendapatkan tips penggunaan software Krishand GL, silakan kunjungi
Written By
Wednesday, 18 April 2012
The Nokia Lumia 900 for AT&T topped the charts over at Amazonabout 10 days ago and now it appears that both Amazon and AT&T are really low on stock. The Lumia 900 is backordered on Amazon'sWireless site, while the Cyan color version of the 900 is out of stock on AT&T's own site. The Black one is available for now, but there's no telling how long that will last.
Running out of stock doesn’t seem to be a problem with manufacturing - Nokia claims they're building Lumia 900s as fast as they can and that "the inventory situation is primarily a function of demand." Obviously, that's a whole other situation than what we're facing on the Old Continent.
The data connectivity issues that the Nokia Lumia 900 experienced didn’t slow sales down and Nokia reports that very few people opted to swap the phone for another one, choosing to just install the update at home instead.
Actually, the issues might have helped sales - the phone costs $100 with a 2-year contract with AT&T, but if you get one before April 21, AT&T will give you $100 credit against your monthly bill. That means you can get a high-end WindowsPhone on contract for free.
Whether this will help profits is another matter - Nokia will be announcing its Q1 results for 2012 tomorrow, but they won't include this recent surge in sales, we'll have to wait for the Q2 results to get those numbers.
In a truly remarkable display of customer care, the folks at Nokia have managed to out the softwarefix to Lumia 900's connectivity issues already. That's only two days after the Finnish companyacknowledged the problem's existence, and an impressive three days earlier than promised.
The software update can be applied via Microsoft's Zune software. In case you don't feel like dealing with USB cables and such, you can also exchange your Nokia Lumia 900 at any AT&T store free of charge as well.
And by the way, Nokia and AT&T are still going to give you a $100 bill credit if you purchase a new device between now and April 21st as a goodwill gesture, thus making it free on a contract. now offers the ultra-high-megapixel cameraphone but the pricetag is a bit harder to swallow than the one we saw from Nokia Italy. With the VAT included, the UK price amounts to £538.80, which is roughly €655, while Nokia Italy's asking price is €599.
We hope other UK retailers chime in on that one and make a more palatable offer for the Nokia 808. A Dutch retailer, for instance, has a pre-order listed at €565.
Clove doesn't mention a release date but the Nokia Italy pre-order had May as a projected time frame for the launch of the highly anticipated cameraphone.
A leaked video from Nokia talks about the Nokia Lumia 610 NFC - that's right, the lowest spec'd Lumia phone might be the first Windows Phone handset to feature NFC. Last year Nokia did say that it plans to integrate NFC in all of its future handsets, but we expected it to start with one of the higher end models.
Anyway, the Lumia 610 NFC seems to be identical to the regular Lumia 610, which Nokia unveiled at the MWC this year, except for the newfound Near Field Communication technology.
The video was pulled by Nokia but someone managed to make a copy of it (it's kind of choppy, but you can still see what's going on). The video shows how the Lumia 610 NFC can be used to simplyfollow someone on Twitter or pair with the Play 360 speaker that launched with the Nokia N9.
The Nokia Lumia 610 NFC is likely to be announced today - Xavier des Horts (CommunicationsManager for Nokia France) tweeted the following teaser. The whole "Tap into something" sounds in tune with the video. The teaser is rather vague and there might be videos for other NFC-enabled WP7 phones that didn’t leak.
Tap into something new teaser tweeted by Xavier des Horts
In my latest interview with former Governor Mitt Romney, he emphatically defends his own business success against Obama’s class warfare/Buffett Rule/Romney Rule attacks. Don’t look for Mitt to back off from his free enterprise vision.
He also told me he will go after HUD and DOE for budget cuts and consolidation, along with a slew of other agency cuts. He will also roll back tax deductions for upper-earners while he lowers marginal rates by 20 percent across-the-board. He does not want more stimulus from the Fed. Thinks blaming speculators for high energy prices is completely wrong.
He would roll up his sleeves to deal with taxmageddon immediately during his transition if elected. And wants his Veep to be able to lead the country as president if that were necessary. He believes women can meet that requirement as well as men. Take a listen:
Written By
Tuesday, 17 April 2012
Since included by default in Linux Mint 12 DVD, Mate Desktop Environment (MATE) has amazingly accepted by many Linux users. Even, many programmers has joined into this project and take part developing MATE. And now, there is an “official” homepage of MATE which can be found at There are wiki, blog, installation manual and of course : repository.
Based on its Release Notes, there is already MATE 1.2 released and I've tried it in my Ubuntu 11.10. This is my conclusion about MATE 1.2 :
The Good
More more stable than previous releases.
Mate Panel looks great just exactly like Gnome 2 panel.
Fast enough :)
Sound Volume now included (very nice feature)
Many Modern Themes Work great
Great theme that works very well with MATE 1.2 is Orion theme that also supports gtk3. Theme package can be found here.
The Minuses
Still doesn't work with Ubuntu Ambiance theme
Couldn't use panel background
Installation manual could be seen here. We need Ubuntu repo to install MATE 1.2 because there are some packages depend on Ubuntu packages.
For more technical information, here is Mate 1.2 official Release Notes.
Written By
Monday, 16 April 2012
GyachI in action. Ultimate Linux Yahoo Client
Kopete 1.1.3 (KDE 4.7.1 Ubuntu 11.10)
There are many Internet Messengers, but the biggest one, especially in Asia, is Yahoo Messenger. This is a great IM with so many beautiful stuffs like Webcam, Photo Sharing, Audio, Environments, Cute Emoticons etc. But, probably, the most favorite feature of YM for user is Webcam.
In windows, there is an official Yahoo Messenger application developed by Yahoo! Inc. itself. This app is so damn gorgeous with its eyecandy purple color, shiny, cute but elegant. As my personal opinion, I love this app : Yahoo Messenger for Windows.
How about Linux users? There are some IM Clients in Linux that support Yahoo protocol, but not all support Webcam feature. Pidgin, the (probably) most popular multi-protocol messenger client in Linux, until now, doesn't support webcam yet. So does Empathy. IM clients in Linux that support webcam is just two existed for now : GyachI and Kopete. Lets we dig deeper into these apps.
1. GyachI (GyachE Improved)
Several years ago, there is an Yahoo Messenger Client in Linux desktop called Gyach. This was a great app with full support of YM features, included Webcam. But, just like so many another projects in Linux world, the Gyach developer has lost its motivation and mood to develop Gyach and stuck just in version 0.9.8.
Goodly, there are some developers that then forked Gyach into more uptodated and actively maintained and renamed as GyachI (Gyach Improved). This app is a great improvement of Gyach that built under gtk2. The last GyachI version (when I wrote this post) is 1.2.11. Here are the GyachI features :
Tuxvironments (Tux version of Yahoo environments)
Full Emoticons support.
And so so so many nice features and tuning we could explore :D
The steps to install GyachI in our Ubuntu could be seen here (it works not only in Ubuntu 11.04 but also works in newer Ubuntu releases).
Bad News
GyachI is ultimate, but sadly, this app seems to be no longer actively maintained :'( The version 1.2.11 is the last but we Ubuntu users still could install it by PPA and could be installed in any newer Ubuntu version (11.10, 12.04).
I pray there are some users that have programming skill will be morally called to maintain this app into newer Linux platform, or maybe fork it into another name with another newer synchronization to newer Linux toolkits (gtk3, qt4, etc etc).
2. Kopete
Kopete is a KDE app, so this multiprotocols IM client is a part of KDE SC releases. This app, greatly, support Yahoo Webcam but with some minuses. Because of a part of KDE SC, this app is always be modern and uptodated. Looks pretty and shiny like other KDE apps, but also, like other KDE apps too, this app is heavier to load than gtk apps because of its dependency with KDE runtime (this is OK, right?).
Though not fully rich just like GyachI has, Kopete is the only exists IM that support Yahoo webcam. This is the only alternative if GyachI in the end must be Rest-In-Peace (Oh God, I hope no).
This app is officially supported by Ubuntu repo. We can easily install it by apt :
Written By
Saturday, 14 April 2012
Cheese is a “cheesy” app to take photos or videos from your webcam. This is a part of GNOME project so it comes altogether with GNOME release. Cheese 2.32 is a part of GNOME 2.32, Cheese 3.0 is a part of GNOME 3.0, and so on.
This is a very cute app. We could take photos with several cute effects, and so, I love this app. But, in Ubuntu 11.10, the Cheese 3.2 couldn't be loaded in any computer that doesn't have GLX/3D supported Graphic Card/VGA (Intel, ATI, Nvidia). Just like in my old Pentium4 with onboard SiS 661 FX, Cheese 3.2 couldn't be loaded and resulted this error message :
(cheese:2352): Clutter-CRITICAL **: Unable to initialize Clutter: The OpenGL version could not be determined.
This error occurred because of Clutter, a new graphic library on GNOME 3 project and this library is absolutely “arrogant”. This app wouldn't load itself in any old non-GLX supported Graphic Cards so any apps that depends on it, wouldn't be loaded too (this is why, Ubuntu still stay with Totem 3.0, the last Totem that doesn't depend to Clutter).
So, is there any problem solving for this? I can answer this : no! We must upgrade our graphic cards into GLX-supported one like Nvidia or ATI; or we must seek another webcam app, another Cheese equivalent.
If we have some money, we could purchase GLX supported Graphic Cards, but if not, we have to look for another webcam app, and I've found this! The app we look for this is : KAMOSO. Kamoso is Cheese like app in KDE SC. This app is just very similar to Cheese but without effects (at the version when I wrote this post). In Ubuntu, it could be installed easily from repo :
sudo apt-get install kamoso
And now, though without cute effects, I could take my photos or videos from my webcam, by using Kamoso :)
Written By
Friday, 13 April 2012
Linux desktop now has became a modern operating system. With its newer kernels, this cute desktop operating system has supported more wide types of hardwares. Also, Linux kernel now, is more superior than Windows in multi processing with multiple processors.
In end-user computing, there are some basic hardwares that users need to fulfill their needs in their everyday works : 3D VGA (Nvidia, ATI, Intel), Wi-Fi, Printers, and Modems (USB, ADSL etc). But now, the trending stuff in end-user computing, alongside Wi-Fi to catch free WLAN Internet connection services, is USB Broadband GSM/HSDPA/CDMA/EVDO Modem.
There are many brands of USB modem and only small numbers of brands that until now aren't recognized yet by Linux. Yesterday, I've already purchased an CDMA/EVDO modem with Huawei brand. This is a leading company in USB modem market and this company has been recognized as a great developer in USB modem market.
So, their products has been well recognized in any modern Linux desktops and we could use their products easily. But, in some ex-Windows users, it is little unfamiliar to use and configure USB Modem in Linux desktops. So, I post this simple tutorial for us.
I use Ubuntu 11.10 to do this, and these are the easy steps :
Plug our USB modem in. Wait for some moments or just simply reboot the system.
Go to system settings, and select Network.
At Network settings Window, select the Mobile Broadband in left side pane and turn it on by click OFF button into ON.
Now, go to Network Manager icon at right top panel and select New Mobile Broadband Connection. Follow the wizard. This is easy.
Some provider need specific username with specific password to be connected. You should ask to your provider about this. If yes, go to Network Manager again, and select Edit Connection.
In Edit Connection windows, select at Mobile Broadband tab, and select at the provider you've set it up, and select edit. Fulfill your specific provider username and password and then click save button.
Go to Network Manager again, and click the connection you've edited, and now, we are connected !