GNS3, a network simulator for making labs or topologies of routers (IOS, JunOS), firewalls (ASA, PIX) and hosts. It is particularly useful for training to Cisco certifications (CCNA, CCNP, CCIP, CCSP, CCVP or CCIE) or Juniper certifications (JNCIA, JNCIS or JNCIE). Thanks to VirtualBox integration, now even system engineers and administrators can take advantage of GNS3 to study Redhat (RHCE, RHCT), Microsoft (MSCE, MSCA), Novell (CLP) and many other vendor certifications.
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New users to GNS3, it is recommended to download the all-in-one package below.
- GNS3 v0.8.3.1 all-in-one (installer which includes Dynamips, Qemu/Pemu, Putty, VPCS, WinPCAP and Wireshark)
- GNS3 v0.8.3.1 standalone 32-bit (archive that includes Dynamips, Qemu/Pemu, Putty, VPCS)
- GNS3 v0.8.3.1 standalone 64-bit (Windows 64-bit only, archive that includes Dynamips, Qemu/Pemu, Putty, VPCS)
- GNS3 v0.8.3.1 Lion DMG package (OSX 10.7 Lion only, includes Dynamips).
- GNS3 v0.8.2 Snow Leopard DMG package (OSX 10.6 Snow Leopard only, includes Dynamips.).
For an installation from the sources, GNS3 requires the following dependencies to be installed: Qt, Python, Sip, and PyQt. Please see the README for more information. Old releases can be downloaded on sourceforge
Associated softwares- Qemu 0.11.0 patched binaries for Windows (32 bits only)
- Patch for Qemu 0.11.0 to support multicast, udp tunnels, pcap and lcap interfaces
- Qemu 0.13.0 patched 32 bits binary for Windows
- Patches for Qemu 0.13.0 to support multicast and UDP tunnels
- Qemuwrapper 0.7.3 for Windows
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